Forum for Shareholders of Farmer Bros. Co.

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Demand for Information About ESOP Funding and Other Actions

(January 12, 2004)

Copied below is the text of a January 12, 2004 letter demanding inspection of records relating to several events announced by Farmer Bros. in a December 24, 2003 press release and, particularly, concerning the funding of the company's ESOP.  The demand, following California law, is made by a shareholder "Delegate" according to procedures established originally for a March 13, 2003 demand letter.

The current demand letter was sent after a company press release and SEC Form 8-K filing that morning confirmed the completion of transactions in which the company sold 124,939 shares of its stock to the ESOP at a substantial discount to market trading prices, funded by a $31.2 million increase in the company's loans to the ESOP.  The company had not yet provided public investors with documents or other detailed information required to understand the ESOP transactions and other management actions, as requested in a December 30, 2003 letter to members of the board.



Peter F. Brennan

c/o MidCap Investors, LLC

237 Park Avenue, 9th Floor

New York, New York 10017

Telephone: 212/692‑7648; Facsimile: 212/692‑7657


January 12, 2004


By telecopier: 310/320-2436


Mr. John E. Simmons

Secretary of the Corporation

Farmer Bros. Co.

20333 South Normandie Avenue

Torrance, California 90502


                                    Re: Demand to inspect records

Dear Mr. Simmons:


            Acting as a shareholder delegate according to the accompanying power of attorney, I note that more than fifteen days has passed without public reports by Farmer Bros. Co. (the “Company”) of documents or other detailed information relating to several important matters announced by the Company in a December 24, 2003 press release.  These matters included settlement agreements and transactions with affiliates involving more than 20% of the Company’s outstanding stock, changes in the control of the ESOP which may reportedly own 18.7% of the Company’s stock, a proposed stock split, and the engagement of an investment banker.


            I therefore demand, pursuant to Section 1601 of the California Corporations Code, that the Company produce, for inspection and copying during normal business hours, the following accounting books and records and minutes of proceedings of the shareholders and the board and committees of the board ("Records") of the Company and its subsidiaries:


1.                  All Records, including any agreements, contracts, reports, analyses, valuations, opinions or other information presented or submitted in relation to proceedings, concerning the following matters addressed in the Company’s December 24, 2003 announcement:

A.                 The settlement agreement with the Crowe family.

B.                 The Company’s offer to sell the ESOP approximately 125,000 shares of stock acquired from Crowe interests.

C.                 Company agreement to loan funds to ESOP.

D.                 Changes in the governance provisions of the ESOP.

E.                  Replacement of the ESOP’s committee members.

F.                  A split of the Company’s stock, and any other actions or policies to enhance the marketability or liquidity of the Company’s stock.

G.                 The engagement of Credit Suisse First Boston, and of any other advisers addressing the Company’s strategic options.

2.                  To the extent not produced in response to the previous items, all Records, including any agreements, contracts, reports, analyses, valuations, opinions or other information presented or submitted in relation to proceedings, concerning the consideration of matters relating to the items listed above during the period from January 1, 2000 until the present, including but not limited to the following examples:

A.                 Determination of the amount and form of contributions to the ESOP, including reports by Valuemetrics Advisors or others engaged to advise the Company on its compensation practices or on competitive industry compensation practices.

B.                 Need for changes in the management of the ESOP.

C.                 ESOP’s purchases of stock in advance of pension accruals with funding by loans from the Company, and any consideration of conventional alternatives.

3.                  Records of all loans and other securities transactions between the Company and the ESOP.


The purposes of this demand are (a) to evaluate the benefits investors may realize from the actions announced by the Company on December 24, 2003, (b) to evaluate the performance of the Company's current directors, (c) to determine whether the Company’s assets are being used properly for the benefit of shareholders, and (d) to consider voting decisions on matters to be presented at the annual meeting now scheduled for January 21, 2004.


In addition to this demand, I reiterate the demand for Records made initially in my letter to you of March 13, 2003.  The Company has not yet provided those Records, and should do so now.


To the extent that any of the demanded Records may include trade secrets or other information that should be treated as confidential, you should identify the particular material.  I will welcome your proposal of a standard form of a confidentiality agreement applicable to that information.  It should be understood, however, that I may communicate any non-confidential information to others.


Under any circumstances, neither your response to these demands nor any of my communications will relieve the Company's management of its responsibility for providing information to public investors in compliance with applicable SEC regulations.


Please let me know if you have any questions about these demands.


                                                            Very truly yours,




                                                            Peter F. Brennan,

                                                                        as Delegate



The Forum is open to all Farmer Bros. shareholders, whether institutional or individual, and to professionals concerned with their investment decisions.  Its purpose is to provide shareholders with access to information and a free exchange of views on issues relating to their evaluations of alternatives.  As stated in the Forum's Conditions of Participation, participants are expected to make independent use of information obtained through the Forum, subject to the privacy rights of other participants.  It is a Forum rule that participants will not be identified or quoted without their explicit permission.

There is no charge for participation.  Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC, the manager of funds owning approximately 12.6% of Farmer Bros. shares, provided initial sponsorship for the Forum and arranged for it to be chaired by Gary Lutin.  Continuing support and guidance of the Forum is provided by an Advisory Panel of actively interested shareholders.

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