Testing the Communication Tools
At this week’s
open meeting of the Shareholder Forum to address standards for
electronic communications, we tested what we were discussing. And then
we asked what might make it better.
To make your
own judgment from the archived copy of the Forum meeting’s
click here. |
The Forum meeting
was conducted with the same kind of chaired discussion common to
shareholder meetings, with about 30 people convening in a room and
about the same number joining by webcast, so it provided a perfect
opportunity to see what could be done with readily available
communication tools. We started with what Thomson Reuters
considered a conventional format for the quarterly analyst webcasts
that have evolved to satisfy the information requirements of
professional investors – something that every company can afford, and
that every investor considers accepted practice. Then they suggested
some additional features to adapt the webcast to our open discussion.
For the three panel members who wanted to demonstrate “remote”
participation, they added open phone lines so each of them could talk
“live” rather than on 30-second webcast or satellite delay. (Now you
know why even the most technologically sophisticated network news
programs have to use earphones for conversations between
correspondents and anchors.) And for the webcast participants, they
added features allowing them to present comments online and respond to
voting proposals. Finally, we were inspired by the
Berkshire Hathaway example to add two reporters who could act as
delegates of the webcast participants and present online comments
orally, providing a more natural flow of discussion.
Most of the
participants who contributed their views to this article expressed a
generally positive views of the resulting experience, which Mark
Latham, founding director of Proxy Democracy and a representative of
individual investors on the SEC Investor Advisory Committee, called “well designed and executed.” And
they also had
a lot of suggestions about doing more.
More video
If there is one
technology-related item that everyone seems to like it is video. One
participant with an activist pension fund perspective expressed so
much support for video that he now considers audio-only to be
appropriate only for “small-cap companies looking to save money.”
On the corporate
side, Cary Klafter,
vice president of legal and corporate affairs at Intel and perhaps
corporate America’s biggest proponent of “virtual” meetings, has used
video for his company’s annual meeting and prefers video to
audio-only. The advantage of a video webcast is “you can see people’s
faces,” Klafter says, and he also likes the way webcast video screens
provide primary and secondary screens that can show both slides and
video together. The disadvantage, he says, is that video gets to be
“more complicated in production and expense.” However, he adds, “many
companies now use video for internal meetings, marketing and other
purposes, and so this is a known technology.”
Audio-only, on
the other hand, can be “relatively austere” and the sound quality is
not always good in the absence of sufficient microphones, Klafter
says. The situation was satisfactory in the Forum meeting, though, as
the audio quality was good and one could easily hear the proceedings,
says Klafter, who participated via one of the open phone lines. (Note:
We used one high quality microphone for every two seats.) “In the
absence of upgrading to video it seems that you have got everything,
the entire suite of [features].”
Latham of Proxy
Democracy also prefers video but says he realizes the cost is high. He
says he was impressed with the way the Forum used the all-audio
package, though, and pleased with the resulting ability to participate
remotely. “The simple level at which [the meeting] was done was quite
effective,” he says.
Slides for
participants, including publisher James McRitchie of,
would like to see the Forum include more visual elements like slides.
McRitchie, who participated via webcast, says that when he got
distracted during the meeting and tried to return and follow the
agenda, he found it difficult. Having slides of the questions and
other matters being discussed would have made it easier to rejoin, he
says. “At least it would show what subject we’re on right now.”
Dean Starkman,
editor of Columbia Journalism Review’s business reporting
section, The Audit, suggested from his observations as an in-person
participant that people sitting in the room would have benefited from
the use of projection screens so they could see the same presentation
that the webcast participants were seeing on their computer screens.
“Two projection screens would be nice so everyone could see,” says Starkman.
Polls with
The polling
tested during the meeting received a combination of praise for what it
could do and concern about how the Forum did it.
Nearly everyone
found the process confusing. The polls were displayed on the webcast
screen close to the end of the meeting, when the meeting’s chairman,
Gary Lutin, asked participants to vote on several proposals without
telling them how to do it. There was also confusion about matching
proposals to the polling proposal numbers, and some participants lost
count and were unsure as to which proposal they were voting on.
Among the several
meeting participants recommending improved chairman performance was
the chairman, himself, who had observed immediately after the
meeting’s adjournment that he should have taken the time to learn how
the polling process worked before using it. Lutin expressed a belief
that it could be managed without confusion by anyone who spends a few
minutes before the meeting to understand the process and the need to
provide instructions for participants, and that under those
circumstances it should be a very valuable communication tool.
Tracey Rembert,
an analyst and governance advocate at Pax World Management who attends
many shareholder meetings, said in spite of the somewhat bumpy Forum
experience she was impressed with the value of instantaneous
polling. “I have never seen a company do that.”
To make the
process of question submission as fair as possible, the Forum asked
two journalists, Avital Louria Hahn, editor of E-Meeting Review,
and Neil Stewart, editor-at-large of IR Magazine, to moderate
the comments and questions received from online participants.
In a similar way
to Berkshire Hathaway’s recent journalist-moderated Q-and-A, the Forum
journalists selected the comments to be presented, raising their hands
to signal incoming questions. But since the Forum meeting was an open
discussion instead of a Q-and-A, participants spoke throughout the
meeting and the journalists had to choose the right moment to present
the questions, just like everyone else sitting around the table with
something to say.
Most participants
interviewed for this article indicated that they felt the
journalist-moderated process was fair. “It seemed like a good system
to have two people on the receiving end processing and injecting the
comments,” says Proxy Democracy’s Latham. “It is always tricky to
figure out how to conduct an Internet forum, and that seemed like a
smart system.”
But getting
companies to use independent, third-party moderators may be a long
shot, says Mark Schlegel of Moxy Vote, a website that supports activist
and individual investor proxy voting. Companies usually act as their
own Q-and-A moderators and as such they can easily ignore inconvenient
questions received online that no one else can see, he says.
Stewart, one of
the two journalists, says that even a moderated Q-and-A does not
necessarily assure transparency. With few exceptions most companies
have not made their online questions visible to all, he says,
suggesting that the area may be one in which investor relations teams
may want to get involved. “There is nothing forcing companies to make
the process transparent.”
And there was one
webcast participant who saw the process as simply not fair, saying he
was dissatisfied that only two of his nine comments and questions had
been presented.
Post all
questions and comments!
participants suggested that one of the surest ways to increase
transparency, even by the Forum, would be for questions and comments
submitted online to be visible to all participants.
These preferences
emerged even as participants expressed confidence that the
journalist-moderated process was fair. They nevertheless indicated
that given a choice they would prefer to see the Forum questions and
comments posted, either during or after the meeting. “I would like to
see people’s questions even if they don’t get answered,” says Rembert
of Pax World.
Seeing other
shareholders’ questions has emerged as a key issue for many investors.
Some, including Rembert as well as McRitchie and Schlegel, suggested
that companies always be required to post questions online as a way to
hold them accountable.
Rembert says that
in a traditional shareholder meeting, one knows who spoke even if the
person did not give a name. In a question that comes over the internet
and is only seen by the company, there is no way to know who commented
and on what subject. “We need to know what is being skipped and what
is being addressed,” says Rembert. “What is the elephant in the room
that all these shareholders care about?”
Some raised the
question of how to post questions for all to see if the company uses a
moderator who does not approve all the questions at once. Schlegel
suggested that if questions and comments cannot be posted in real time
for flow and logistics reasons, then they should be posted immediately
after the meeting.
Even if a company
agrees to post questions online, issues arise concerning the volume of
questions and the timeframe for posting them, participants pointed
out. In another scenario, others discussed how to manage the posting
if a large number of questions came in all at once, creating a
potentially confusing situation. Rembert suggested as an example that
if a large company expects a large number questions to come in, it can
create headings so that people can select categories for their
questions and keep them organized for others to read. “We need those
accountability metrics,” says Rembert.
Finding the
right way
Asked about the
post-everything controversy, the Forum’s chairman reports that he
remains undecided about how electronically transmitted questions
should be treated, by companies and also by the Forum. As both an
advocate of investor access and someone responsible for maintaining
the kind of orderly exchange required for all views to be considered,
he says that every time someone has suggested a seemingly sensible
solution he has eventually realized that the process may be
complicated by concerns about confusion, information reliability,
privacy issues, publishing responsibility, etc. But he is confident
that real-world testing of alternatives will soon lead to a solution
at least as effective as a chairman’s looking around a room to decide
which waving arm gets to speak.
In the end, as
Moxy Vote’s Schlegel sees it, the discussions about how to use
electronic processes are really all about how to improve shareholder
communications. Attributing his observation to a comment made by Forum
chairman Lutin, Schlegel concludes that “the point of the Forum was
not whether you should or shouldn’t do a virtual meeting. It was that
if you do a virtual meeting, here are some things that you really need
to consider that investors think are important.”