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TIBCO Software Inc.



AVR Status

TIBCO reported approval of the Merger Agreement by holders of 67% of outstanding shares on December 3, 2014, and the merger became effective on December 5, 2014.

Shareholders who satisfied requirements for an appraisal demand will be able to decide whether to hold or sell the rights, or simply withdraw the demand at any time up to 60 days after the effective date of merger to accept the $24.00 per share offer price.



Forum reference:

Class action lawsuit concerning failure to correct miscalculated offer price


For a copy of the complaint in the lawsuit referenced below, see


Source: Bloomberg, November 5, 2014 article


Tibco Directors Faulted Over $100 Million Vista Deal Loss

By Jef Feeley | Nov 5, 2014 3:53 PM ET

Tibco Software Inc. (TIBX)’s board left $100 million on the table after failing to rectify a mistake by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) in what turned out to be a $4.2 billion buyout by Vista Equity Partners, an investor said in a lawsuit.

Directors of Palo Alto, California-based Tibco didn’t push to have Vista officials honor an agreement to pay $100 million more than the final price for the software maker, after a miscount of the company’s outstanding shares by New York-based Goldman Sachs, its financial adviser, Tibco shareholder Paul Hudelson said in the complaint filed today in state court in Delaware.

A spreadsheet mix-up during the deal’s negotiations led Goldman Sachs to provide Vista with incorrect share numbers tied to the $24-a-share offer, Tibco officials said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission last month.

“Goldman gets paid huge amounts by Tibco’s stockholders to advise the company and as a result of Goldman’s failure to do its job right, $100 million moves from the pockets of Tibco’s investors into Vista’s pockets,” Mark Lebovitch, one of Hudelson’s lawyers, said today in an interview. “This can’t be right.”

The suit comes the same day as New York-based Goldman Sachs estimated in an SEC filing that it’s “reasonably possible” legal losses in the third quarter dropped by 22 percent to $2.5 billion. The investment bank had pegged its potential legal losses at $3.2 billion.

Goldman Hired

Leslie Moore, a Tibco spokeswoman, didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment on the lawsuit. Vista officials weren’t immediately available for comment. Michael DuVally, a Goldman Sachs spokesman, declined to comment on the case.

Tibco, which makes software for businesses, hired Goldman Sachs to help explore the possibilities of a sale to private-equity firms, people with knowledge of the matter told Bloomberg News in September.

Praesidium Investment Management Co., Tibco’s sixth-largest shareholder, sent a letter to the board in August seeking a sale of the company after profit fell short of estimates.

Vista Equity, a private-equity firm focused on data, software and technology-enabled businesses, outbid other suitors for the computer firm and agreed to pay $4.3 billion, Hudelson said in the suit.

Because of the miscue over the shares, Vista wound up paying a total of $4.2 billion instead of the negotiated price, the investor said.

‘Professional Malpractice’

Along with Tibco’s board, Hudelson also sued Vista Equity and Goldman Sachs officials over the $100 million difference in the amount paid as part of the acquisition.

The investor accuses Goldman Sachs in the suit of engaging in “professional malpractice/professional negligence” for failing to “properly account for Tibco’s equity.”

The case is Hudelson v. Ranadive, CA No. 10319, Delaware Chancery Court (Wilmington).

To contact the reporter on this story: Jef Feeley in Wilmington, Delaware at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at Andrew Dunn


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