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A. Cunningham's Quality Investing
A. Cunningham's Quality Investing
happens when companies cater to customers, reward employees and
partner with suppliers? Investors profit.
Last Updated: Aug. 28, 2021 at 10:46 a.m. ET
First Published: Aug. 27, 2021 at 7:23 a.m. ET
By Lawrence A.
CEO pledge may have put shareholders
last, but being model corporate citizens is good business

August 2019, the Business Roundtable, a powerful lobbying group,
adopted a statement
of corporate priorities that listed shareholders last, after
customers, employees, suppliers and communities. Signed by the CEOs
of close to 200 major American corporations, investors and other
stakeholders since have wondered, what could this mean? While each
chief had their own reasons for signing on, there are generally three
possibilities: pandering, pretending, or preaching.
first possibility is that corporate chiefs are pandering to
progressive pressures. For generations, progressives have sought to
promote non-shareholder interests, in campaigns stretching from Ralph
Nader in the 1970s and corporate social responsibility
(CSR) of the 1990s to today’s ESG (environmental,
social and governance principles). In this view, proponents of
stakeholder capitalism carried the day with corporate America’s chiefs
at the expense of shareholders, an achievement heralded by
progressives as a “turning point” and a “welcome
while some critics responded fiercely to condemn
this perceived victory, many observers were skeptical
from the outset about what they hear as mere talk. That’s
where the second possibility comes in: pretending. In this view,
claiming to work for stakeholders enables managers to avoid
accountability to anyone. When shareholder activists urge
divestitures, managers can cite the importance of preserving jobs, and
when shareholders demand dividends, directors can demur to other
priorities. This longstanding concern is the principal counter
to the progressive prescription for stakeholder capitalism.
pretending possibility seems to be supported by recent
published research. Researchers have scoured the record for
tangible evidence that the CEOs have acted on the statement. Reviews
of filings and other public materials indicate that none of the
companies whose CEOs signed the statement have changed their
priorities since the statement was adopted.
the evidence also yields to a third possibility: that the 2019
statement was not a radical departure from longstanding practice and
that no one should have expected to see any evidence of radical
change. Under
this view, the only way to increase profits for
shareholders is by catering to customers, rewarding employees,
partnering with suppliers and being good corporate citizens. Putting
such constituencies first is essential
to promoting shareholder interests.
It’s likely that most of the CEOs who signed the BRT statement thought
this way, neither pandering nor pretending. Instead, they were
one, the text itself is nothing new. In fact, the statement of
priorities leading with customers and employees is largely lifted
from the credo of Johnson & Johnson first written in 1943.
Those who drafted the BRT statement did not create anything novel,
despite proclamations of a few celebrity CEOs whose
boosterism is more likely pandering or pretending and
despite eager champions of the new CEO
Most investors and those not consumed by today’s political clashes are
likely nodding about this dose of business realism. While some CEOs
are undoubtedly pandering and others pretending, take with caution
sweeping claims about what the Business Roundtable’s statement means.
For many, it means that the captains of industry are staying a
venerable course and preaching to the choir of shareholders en route.
About the Author
Lawrence A. Cunningham
Lawrence A. Cunningham is a professor at George Washington University,
founder of the Quality
Shareholders Group, and publisher, since 1997, of The
Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America.
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