The Long Roots Of a People’s Revolt
Against Wall Street
How Civil War History Explains Memestocks |

Matt Chinworth |
In the 19th century,
small investors played a big role in finance. Wall Street took it
away. Redditors are trying to get it back.
April 2, 2022
In 1861, Jay Cooke, a minor money man hoping to help the Union
army, lobbied Abraham Lincoln’s government to make investing accessible to more
Americans. In 1972, Bill Gross, destined to earn the nickname “the Bond King,”
realized that more value could be squeezed out of the products that Cooke wanted
to sell — government bonds — if they were traded by experts. And in 2021, a
Reddit user named Roaring Kitty led a band of regular Joes on a crusade against
financial engineers of Mr. Gross’s ilk.
And that arc of U.S. economic history helps explain why people
were calling me a puppet on the internet.
At least that is how I came to understand it. At first, all I
knew is that I was facing intense backlash from Roaring Kitty and company after
I wrote about the evolution of what they, and other smaller retail investors,
believed — a baseless theory that various powerful entities were out to get them
and tank their stocks.
While I was awash in all their bad vibes, I was also reading two
new books: “The Bond King,” by the NPR host Mary Childs and the forthcoming
“Bonds of War” by the historian David K. Thomson.
I realized that there is a strong link between the Civil War-era
campaign to sell bonds to working class people and a stock-hoarding movement
among financially inexperienced masses connecting on the internet.
It’s called financial populism.
Over the past century and a half, finance in the United States
has been characterized by an ebb and flow of who feels Wall Street is for them,
who feels (or is) excluded.
Understanding how we got where we are now is one way to demystify
the Reddit-based investing revolution, which is powered by a conspiracy
theory along with a deep resentment of the way real power and wealth
seem so out of reach for most people these days.
About the conspiracy theory: A year into the pandemic, a
group of doctors, factory workers, salesmen, dentists and other investing
amateurs came to the defense of companies facing existential challenges: a
chain of empty movie theaters and a secondhand video game retailer. Hedge funds,
run by superrich and increasingly powerful people, were shorting shares of those
companies. The smaller investors fought back.
They gathered on a Reddit forum called r/WallStreetBets, where
group members goaded and cheered one another into buying more and more shares of
these companies — GameStop and AMC Entertainment — vowing to hold on to them
“with diamond hands.” Stocks became stonks,
jokey things infused with the currency of internet memes. The buying only
stopped when a handful of retail brokerage firms cut off access to the market
like a bartender cutting off a sloppy drunk.
The stocks’ prices crashed and the biggest zealots moved from r/WallStreetBets
to a new subreddit, r/Superstonk, and began posting essays many thousands of
words long that they called “dds,” short for “due diligences,” to explain what
had happened.
These were ostensibly research reports, modeled, perhaps, after
professional financial analysts’ publications. They made the baseless claim that
securities regulators, brokerage houses and the people in charge of the market’s
day-to-day functioning had gotten together and agreed to create fake shares of
the stocks, which they were secretly passing on to hedge funds preparing to
short them again.
To fight back against this supposed scheme, the Redditors pledged
to buy as many more shares of GameStop and AMC as possible to bring about the
“mother of all short squeezes,” or the MOASS for short, when short sellers would
be forced to pay whatever price the Redditors asked — maybe even $1 million a
share — to cover their bets.
Reality check: There is no giant conspiracy, there are no fake
shares; there will be no MOASS. The January 2021 short squeeze did cause
breakdowns in the stock market, the most dramatic of which occurred in the
brokerage houses that eventually shut down trading in those stocks, not based on
any moral authority, but because they were about to run out of money to cover
failed trades.
But the Redditors accomplished something real. Like Jay Cooke,
who pointed out how hard it was for most people to get access to investment
products in 1861, the Reddit crowd highlighted structural problems in the stock
market and prodded regulators to try to fix them. The Securities and Exchange
Commission has since proposed several changes to stock market operations that
would make them more
visible and easily understood and faster.
The People’s War Effort
Wall Street has long boasted that its great-great grandfather
firms saved the Union during the darkest period of the Civil War by generously
lending Lincoln’s administration money. This claim, which financial titans
repeat to imply that their work is morally good and descended from opponents of
slavery, is now getting a fresh look.
In “Bonds of War,” Mr. Thomson describes how, after arranging an
initial $50 million loan in early 1861, elite financiers in New York, Boston and
Philadelphia basically told Lincoln’s Treasury secretary, an Ohioan named Salmon
P. Chase, that they wished him the best of luck. They felt it was too risky to
keep buying U.S. debt, especially since individual states had regularly
defaulted on their debt during the antebellum period.
Jay Cooke, a financier from Philly who wanted to make the big
leagues, persuaded Chase to make it easier for Treasury notes and bonds to be
sold in small denominations, then started going door-to-door signing people up
to buy them. He specifically targeted “small subscribers,” as he put it, who
came away from agreeing to make their investments “almost with tears in their
eyes, so overjoyed at the patriotic scene.”
Mr. Thomson, an assistant professor of history at Sacred Heart
University, chronicles how Cooke assembled an army of salesmen and sent them all
over the country looking for people who had saved a little money and wanted to
make a statement while spending it. Buying Treasuries let Union sympathizers —
including formerly enslaved people, Native Americans and residents of Southern
cities — express their support for the cause no matter who or where they
happened to be. It made buyers feel powerful.
For the first time, wage-earners played a crucial role in the
U.S. financial system — and they knew it. A new class of financial participants
was born.
On and off, well into the second half of the 20th century, the
image of the investor that Jay Cooke helped create prevailed, especially during
the periods in which the United States was deeply involved in world wars and
appealed yet again to patriotism in search of financial support.
If Jay Cooke made Americans feel like they mattered, Mr. Gross —
unintentionally, you could say — instilled in them the opposite belief.
Ms. Childs’s book is about the expansion of finance as a whole,
told through the history of Bill
Gross’s life’s work as the founder of what would eventually become
the biggest bond fund in the world, PIMCO.
Mr. Gross, whom Ms. Childs portrays as a single-minded whiz-kid
seeking to prove his worth to his parents and former classmates, chipped away at
the notion that anyone could be an investor by criticizing the buy-and-hold
strategy for bonds. He began studying tables of bond issues and “making money
buying the better bonds and selling the worse ones.” This made big money for big
organizations, but it also made everything more complicated, bringing about a
rule of experts.
Mr. Gross got the bond market going just as the dollar was
disconnected from a fixed price for gold, ending the last vestige of the gold
standard. The financial system grew much more subjective and more hospitable to
operations conducted on the largest scale possible.
Buying bonds was increasingly viewed as something that ordinary
people just didn’t do. The technology to buy and sell them didn’t keep up with
the technological innovations that brought stocks to life in the imaginations of
retail investors. While no one was cut off from buying bonds, they weren’t
regarded as fruitful investments for just anyone.
Eventually, Ms. Childs writes, Mr. Gross and his allies and
competitors grew not just powerful, but arrogant. They seemed to feel that any
means they could think of to serve their clients, regardless of their wider
consequences for society, were justified. This was contemporary Wall Street
culture taking shape. More and more, in every asset class, including stocks, the
biggest gains were going to the biggest investors.
I was in the middle of Ms. Childs’s book when I began exploring
posts on r/Superstonk. I soon noticed a paragraph of text that seemed to be
repeated over and over again by a slew of different posters on the forum. It
expressed joy at the defeat of “smug fine art collecting ‘high class’
billionaires” at the hands of Redditors who were “completely immune to all the
psychological warfare” perpetrated against retail investors “for decades.”
The difference between the medium the Redditors chose for their
rebellion and Mr. Gross’s area of expertise is important: Throughout his career,
Mr. Gross generally viewed the stock market as a place where dumb money
gathered. He never quite saw the point in participating in it. The Redditors
would probably label this as snobbery, but the truth is the stock market is more
susceptible to populist activity than the bond market.
Although the oft-repeated post was not referring to Mr. Gross
specifically — he played no part in the Reddit rebellion — it was clearly a
rallying cry for people like Jay Cooke’s “small subscribers” against the big
financiers who took so much power away from the American public. Those ordinary
people are now using the internet to try to get it back.
Emily Flitter covers banking and Wall Street. Before joining The Times in 2017,
she spent eight years at Reuters, writing about politics, financial crimes and
the environment.
A version of this article appears in print on April 3, 2022, Section BU,
Page 6 of the New York edition with the headline: The Long Roots Of a People’s
Revolt Against Wall Street.
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