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Newsday Wins Award for CA Proxy Series

March 28, 2002

Newsday yesterday was named a winner in a national business journalism competition for its coverage of last summer's proxy fight between Computer Associates International Inc. and Texas investor Sam Wyly.

The judges in the contest, sponsored by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, said Newsday's six-page package of stories, photos and graphics on Wyly's challenge to CA "included insights and nice writing…With this coverage as a guide, Newsday readers were set to watch the dramatic proxy fight unfold."

Newsday won in the breaking news category for newspapers with circulations of more than 375,000. The Washington Post was the other winner in the category for its coverage of the reversal of the Microsoft Corp. breakup order.

The Wall Street Journal received a special award for its coverage of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, which displaced the Journal's staff from its offices adjacent to the World Trade Center. In handing out the first "extraordinary achievement" award in the eight-year history of the "Best in Business" contest, the judges said the Journal produced stories with breadth, context and insight despite the fact that "many staff members literally fled for their lives."

The Society of American Business Editors and Writers, headquartered at the University of Missouri journalism school, is an association of more than 3,000 journalists in North America.

Copyright © 2002, Newsday, Inc.



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