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Docket Report: USA v. Computer Associates International, Inc.

Criminal Case No. 1:04-cr-00837-ILG

U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York

(September 5, 2008)

The documents listed in the docket report below can be obtained for a nominal charge from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York Electronic Document Filing System.  The following filings have been copied from the court record and can be downloaded from the Forum web site:

Copies of the referenced Deferred Prosecution Agreement and its related Information can be downloaded from links in the following 2004 report:




U.S. District Court
Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn)
CRIMINAL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:04-cr-00837-ILG All Defendants

Case title: USA v. Computer Associates International, Inc.

Date Filed: 09/17/2004
Date Terminated: 05/21/2007

Assigned to: Senior-Judge I. Leo Glasser

Defendant (1)
Computer Associates International, Inc.
TERMINATED: 05/21/2007

Pending Counts

Highest Offense Level (Opening)

Terminated Counts
  Dismissed by Government's motion
  Dismissed by Government's motion

Highest Offense Level (Terminated)


USA represented by Amy Lynn Walsh
United States Attorneys Office
Criminal Division
147 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 254-6154
Fax: (718) 254-6076

David Brian Pitofsky
Goodwin Procter LLP
599 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Fax: 212-355-3333
TERMINATED: 04/22/2005

Eric Ross Komitee
United States Attorney's Office
156 Pierrepont Street, 6th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718- 254-6240
Fax: 718- 254-7499


Date Filed # Docket Text
03/28/2008 31  ORDER as to Computer Associates International, Inc. It is ORDERED that Gilardi shall calculate the sums due and distribute to the eligible claimants, the balance remaining in the Restitution Fund plus accrued interest as stated in this order. (see order for further details). Ordered by Senior Judge I. Leo Glasser on 3/27/08. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 03/28/2008)
01/15/2008 30  ORDERING those claimants who are still unjustifiably withholding the excess sums to which they are not entitled to remit those sums upon receipt of this Order to Gilardi and Co., LLC, 3301 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901. Ordered by Senior Judge I. Leo Glasser on 01/15/08. (Chiodo, Marie) (Entered: 01/15/2008)
01/11/2008 29  Letter dtd 10-12-07 as to Computer Associates International, Inc. regarding the current status of the administration and distribution of the fund to eligible claimants (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 01/11/2008)
01/09/2008 28  The Clerk of Court is hereby ordered to endorse a reimbursement check received by the Court, and all such checks which may be received in the future, made payable to the Computer Associates Restitution Fund and forward them to Gilardi & Co. Ordered by Senior Judge I. Leo Glasser on 1/8/2008.(Moskowitz, Eve) (Entered: 01/09/2008)
12/14/2007 27  ORDER INSTRUCTING ELIGIBLE CLAIMANTS TO RETURN EXCESS RESTITUTION FUNDS as to Computer Associates International, Inc. It is hereby ORDERED: that all eligible claimants,brokerage houses and others who have received checks from the Restitution Fund in this matter are required to return any overpayment in the amount specified by Gilardi & Co. LLC. The obligation to return the overpayment is mandatory. Ordered by Senior Judge I. Leo Glasser on 12/14/07. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 12/14/2007)
12/14/2007 26  Letter dtd 12-14-07 To Judge Glasser From: Kenneth R. Feinberg as to Computer Associates International, Inc. updating the Court concerning this matter and ongoing efforts by Gilardi & Co. LLC to rectify errors in the calculation and distribution of checks to eligible claimants (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 12/14/2007)
12/13/2007 25  ORDER INSTRUCTING GILARDI & CO., LLC TO INITIATE IMMEDIATE STEPS TO RECOVER RESTITUTION FUNDS. as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (SEE ORDER FOR SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS) *Certificate of Service & various letters attached. Ordered by Senior Judge I. Leo Glasser on 12/13/07. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 12/13/2007)
10/30/2007 24  Letter Regarding Restitution Fund Distribution as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (Monahan, William) (Entered: 10/30/2007)
10/30/2007 23  ORDER as to Computer Associates International, Inc. regarding the Order dtd 8-18-05, The Fund Administrator has, in that submission, requested authorization to distribute the fund to verified eligible Claimants, and it is hereby SO ORDERED. (see order for further details). Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 10/26/07. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 10/30/2007)
10/19/2007 22  Letter filed and dated 10/19/07 as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (Schwartz, Beth) (Entered: 10/19/2007)
07/18/2007 21  Letter dtd 7-11-07 From Kenneth R. Feinberg, Fund Administrator to Mr. Phillip Smith regarding the Restitution Fund as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 07/18/2007)
05/21/2007 20  ORDER dated 5/21/07 that the criminal information filed against Computer Associates International, Inc. is DISMISSED with prejudice. ( Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 5/21/07 ) (Guzzi, Roseann) (Entered: 05/21/2007)
05/15/2007 19  MOTION to Dismiss Information by USA as to Computer Associates International, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Eric Komitee# 2 Proposed Order) (Komitee, Eric) (Entered: 05/15/2007)
09/19/2006 18  Letter dtd 9/3/06 as to Computer Associates International, Inc. informing the Court of a robbery that took place on 8-12-06 (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 09/19/2006)
09/14/2006 17  Letter from the Government Regarding the Extension of the Term of the Independent Examiner as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (Komitee, Eric) (Entered: 09/14/2006)
03/09/2006 16  Letter dtd 2/23/06 as to Computer Associates International, Inc. regarding the claim response date (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 03/09/2006)
08/22/2005 15  ORDER dated 8/18/05 that the proposed plan of allocation for the restitution fund which was sbumitted to the Court on 7/21/05 is hereby approved. ( Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 8/18/05 ) (Guzzi, Roseann) (Entered: 08/22/2005)
08/22/2005 14  PLAN OF ALLOCATION FOR THE RESTITUTION FUND. Exhibits. Submitted by Kenneth R. Freinberg, Fund Administrator, The Feinberg Group, LLP.(Guzzi, Roseann) (Entered: 08/22/2005)
07/22/2005 13  Letter from Amy Walsh and Robert J. Giuffra to the Court Regarding submission of Restitution Plan (Walsh, Amy) (Entered: 07/22/2005)
05/04/2005 12  ORDER DEFERRED PROSECUTION AGREEMENT as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (EXHIBITS a-c ATTACHED) (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 05/04/2005)
05/04/2005 11  ORDER OF EXCLUDABLE DELAY FROM 09/22/04 TO 09/22/06 as to Computer Associates International, Inc. . Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 10/6/05. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 05/04/2005)
04/22/2005   Attorney update: Amy Lynn Walsh for USA and Eric Ross Komitee for USA added. Attorney David Brian Pitofsky terminated. (Johnson, T.) (Entered: 04/22/2005)
04/19/2005 10  STIPULATION AND AGREED PROTECTIVE ORDER as to Computer Associates International, Inc. . Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 3/31/05. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
04/19/2005 9  Letter dtd 3/31/05 from David B. Pitofsky to Judge Glasser Regarding a request asking the court to enter a protective order (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
04/19/2005 8  ORDER OF APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL as to Computer Associates International, Inc. . Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 3/16/05. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
04/19/2005 7  ORDER TO CONTINUE - Ends of Justice as to Computer Associates International, Inc. Time excluded from 09/22/04 until 09/22/06. . Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 10/6/04. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
04/19/2005 ORDER DEFERRED PROSECUTION AGREEMENT as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (EXHIBITS a-c ATTACHED). Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 9/22/04. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
04/19/2005 4  WAIVER OF INDICTMENT by Computer Associates International, Inc. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
04/19/2005 3  INFORMATION as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (1) count(s) 1, 2. (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
04/19/2005 2  Order to Unseal Information as to Computer Associates International, Inc.. (Ordered by Judge I. Leo Glasser on 4/13/05) (Piper, Francine) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
09/22/2004 6  Minute Entry for proceedings held before I. Leo Glasser :for an Arraignment as to Computer Associates International, Inc. (1) Count 1,2 held on 9/22/2004, Plea entered by Computer Associates International, Inc. (1) Count 1,2. by Computer Associates International, Inc. Not Guilty on counts All. Case called, Deft. sworn. waiver of indictment executed for deft. Deferred prosecution agreement entered. Proposed JGM and Permanent Injunction under review. Speedy trial excluded from 9/22 until the time at which agreement is complied with. After which the government shall make a motion to dismiss the indictment information. (Court Reporter Allan Sherman.) (Sica, Michele) (Entered: 04/19/2005)
09/17/2004 1  NOTICE of Intent to proceed under FRCrP 7(b) by Computer Associates International, Inc. (Bowens, Priscilla) (Entered: 09/22/2004)


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