Forum for Shareholders of CA, Inc.

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Forum activities relating to CA, Inc. are temporarily suspended pending release of a court-appointed Examiner's report on management compliance with a Deferred Prosecution Agreement.

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Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: SEC staff agrees CA can prevent shareholder vote on removal of directors

In a statement dated June 20, 2006, the staff of the SEC accepted CA's argument that the Amalgamated Bank Longview Collective Investment Fund's shareholder proposal to remove directors can be considered "relating to an election for membership on its board of directors" and therefore excluded from the company's proxy statement under Rule 14a-8(i)(8), a provision intended to make director nominations subject to a separate set of SEC rules for candidate disclosures.
Amalgamated has submitted a request for full Commission review of the staff decision, based on policy and legal issues which had not been resolved by the Commission, and on the importance of shareholder rights to remove directors according to the laws of Delaware (DGCL 141(k)) and other states.
Copies of the SEC staff letter and Amalgamated's request for Commission review have been posted on the Forum web site:
Your comments will be welcomed.
             - GL

Gary Lutin
Lutin & Company
575 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel: 212/605-0335
Fax: 212/605-0325



The Forum is open to all Computer Associates ("CA") shareholders, whether institutional or individual, and to any fiduciaries or professionals concerned with their investment decisions.  Its purpose is to provide shareholders with access to information and a free exchange of views on issues relating to their evaluations of alternatives, as described in the Forum Summary.

There is no charge for participation.  As stated in the Conditions of Participation, participants are expected to make independent use of information obtained through the Forum, subject to the privacy rights of other participants.  It is a Forum rule that participants will not be identified or quoted without their explicit permission.

Inquiries and requests to be included in the Forum's distribution list may be addressed to

The material presented on this web site is published by Gary Lutin, as chairman of the Shareholder Forum.