Forum for Shareholders of Crowley Maritime Corporation

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In March 2007, the controlling shareholder of Crowley Maritime offered $2,990 per share to buy out public investors, a price equal to 258% of the last traded price of shares when the Forum started in April 2004.

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Forum Report: Crowley proxy statement filed for May 20th meeting

(April 19, 2004)


Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:16 AM
Subject: Crowley proxy statement filed for May 20th meeting

Crowley filed its proxy statement this morning for an annual meeting to be held on May 20, 2004.
The matters presented for voting are (a) the re-election of the company's current eight directors and (b) approval of a "Crowley Maritime Corporation 2004 Management Incentive Plan" to satisfy requirements for tax deductibility of executive bonus payments.  Assuming management casts its 76% of votes (based on the total of both common and preferred stock voting rights) in favor of these matters, the votes of non-management shareholders will have no effect other than as expressions of independent investor views.
Regarding board governance issues, it may be noted that Thomas B. Crowley, Jr., the company's Chairman, CEO and controlling shareholder, as well as his cousin Philip E. Bowles are members of both the five-person Audit Committee and the six-person Compensation Committee, and that the Compensation Committee is chaired by the company's lawyer, Cameron W. Wolfe, Jr., of Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe.  While the membership of these committees may meet applicable regulatory requirements, most investors prefer to see fully independent members of audit and compensation committees.
Independence of the Compensation Committee is particularly relevant to the proposed new "2004 Management Incentive Plan," which, as presented in the proxy statement, appears to give that Committee discretion to define the bonus payments for all executives, including Mr. Crowley.
The proxy statement also provides an explanation, copied below, of changes in the insurance policy payments for Mr. Crowley and his family to conform with new laws that raise questions about the legality of past payments for "split-dollar" insurance.  Details of the change, including the text of the referenced settlement agreement, were included in the Form 10K annual report filed last month.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions concerning the proxy statement or the issues it raises.  We should be able to address these shareholder interests in the proposed "Forum" as soon as its organizational plans are finalized.
             - GL
Gary Lutin
Lutin & Company
575 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel: 212/605-0335
Fax: 212/605-0325





     Thomas B. Crowley, Jr., the Chairman of the Board of Directors, President

and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and certain trusts for the benefit

of his descendants, are parties to certain split-dollar life insurance

agreements. These agreements were created for estate planning purposes intended

to promote the long term stability of the Company and generally provide for: (a)

the Company to pay the annual premiums for certain life insurance policies owned

by Mr. Crowley or the trusts; and (b) Mr. Crowley, or the trusts, to reimburse

the Company in an amount equal to the annual term cost of the insurance

coverage. The policies are pledged to the Company as security for the obligation

of Mr. Crowley, or the trusts, as the case may be, to pay to the Company, upon

termination of the split-dollar life insurance agreements, an amount equal to

the aggregate amounts of premiums paid by the Company as such amounts may have

been reduced by certain payments made by or on behalf of Mr. Crowley or the

trusts prior to the date upon which the split-dollar life insurance agreements

terminate, except that if the agreements are terminated prior to the death of

the insured the amount owed by Mr. Crowley and the trusts is limited to the cash

surrender value of the policies. At any time during the last fiscal year the

largest aggregate amount owed by Mr. Crowley and the trusts based upon the cash

surrender value of these policies was $18,039,662. As of April 25, 2004, the

largest aggregate amount owed by Mr. Crowley and the trusts based upon the cash

surrender value of these insurance policies was $10,531,475. As stated below,

the reduction in the amount owed is the result of a payment in the amount of

approximately $7.5 million that was made in December of 2003. No interest is

charged by the Company for any and all amounts which may be outstanding under

these arrangements.


     It is currently uncertain whether the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the

"ACT") prohibits the Company from continuing to pay the annual premiums for

these life insurance policies owned by Mr. Crowley and the trusts. While the Act

does not specifically address these types of insurance arrangements, it

generally makes it unlawful for an issuer to extend or maintain credit, to

arrange for the extension of credit, or to renew an extension of credit, in the

form of a personal loan to or for any director or executive officer (or

equivalent thereof) of that issuer. Since it is possible that the Act might be

construed as treating annual premium payments made after July 30, 2002 under the

split-dollar life insurance agreements as new extensions of credit which would

be prohibited by the Act, the Company has suspended making any annual premium

payments for the life insurance policies owned by Mr. Crowley and the trusts.

The Company may decide in the future to resume making such payments. In the

meantime, Mr. Crowley has advised the Company that he will continue to pay the

term cost of the insurance coverage.


     On December 23, 2003, the Company and Mr. Crowley entered into a settlement

agreement terminating one of the split dollar life insurance agreements.

Pursuant to this settlement agreement, Mr. Crowley paid the Company

approximately $7.5 million, an amount representing premiums paid by the Company

for the insurance policies subject to the terminated split dollar life insurance

agreement. The settlement agreement also provides that the Company pay Mr.

Crowley annually an amount, on an after tax basis, equal to the interest payable

by Mr. Crowley on financing he arranged to make this payment to the Company.

This obligation terminates: (i) upon surrender or termination of the polices subject

to the settlement agreement, unless Mr. Crowley rolls over or reinvests the

entire amount received upon surrender or termination into one or more new

policies on the life of Mrs. Molly Crowley; (ii) at the Company's option if Mr.

Crowley ceases to be employed by the Company; (iii) upon the death of Mrs. Molly

Crowley; or (iv) upon the bankruptcy, insolvency or dissolution of the Company.

In the settlement agreement, Mr. Crowley released any claims that he might have

against the Company due to the Company having ceased making premium payments as

required by the terminated split dollar life insurance agreement.



The Forum is open to all Crowley shareholders, whether institutional or individual, and to any fiduciaries or professionals concerned with their investment decisions.  Its purpose is to provide shareholders with access to information and a free exchange of views on issues relating to their evaluations of alternatives, as described in the Forum Summary.

There is no charge for participation.  As stated in the Conditions of Participation, participants are expected to make independent use of information obtained through the Forum, subject to the privacy rights of other participants.  It is a Forum rule that participants will not be identified or quoted without their explicit permission.

Inquiries and requests to be included in the Forum's distribution list may be addressed to

All material on this web site is published by Gary Lutin, who is responsible for conducting the Forum.