NYSSA Forum Program (1999 - 2001)


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NYSSA Forum Program

Reference List


Amazon: Credit Analysis (Ravi Suria, dated February 6, 2001)


The material in the file shown below (in PDF format, requiring Acrobat Reader) had been published on a web site maintained by the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was accessible from a link on a summary page for the Forum Program.

This report was prepared by Forum participant Ravi Suria, a NYSSA member,  in the course of his employment by Lehman Brothers.





Material dated between January 1999 and July 2001 was originally published on the web site of the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was provided by Gary Lutin as co-sponsor of a "Forum Program" conducted for public educational purposes with NYSSA's Committee for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights during that period. Material dated after July 2001 was not published by the NYSSA unless specifically indicated.

For additional information, send an inquiry to admin@shareholderforum.com.