NYSSA Forum Program (1999 - 2001)


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Chesapeake-Shorewood: Questions to Chesapeake Board

   The material copied below had been published on a web site maintained by the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was accessible from a link on a summary page for the Forum Program.







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March 7, 2000

By telecopier: 804/697-1199

Chesapeake Corporation

1021 East Cary Street

Richmond, Virginia  23218-2350


To members of the board of directors:

At today’s open meeting of the “Chesapeake-Shorewood Forum” conducted by the New York Society of Security Analysts’ Committee for Corporate Governance, nobody responded when I asked if anyone present was representing Chesapeake Corporation.  The following questions were therefore posed by a consensus of participants at the meeting for written submission to the members of Chesapeake’s board of directors:

1.     In the context of the board’s stated belief that a $40 per share price to acquire the company was inadequate,

(a)     what is management’s plan for establishing shareholder value in excess of $40 per share;

(b)     what benchmarks has the board established for monitoring progress toward the achievement of management’s plan in quarterly or annual steps over the pertinent period;

(c)     what incentives has the board established for management’s achievement of the benchmark goals or ultimate plan objectives; and,

(d)     what are the advantages or disadvantages to shareholders of the following provisions:

i)      repricing of all senior management stock options at $40 per share;

ii)     commitment of all board members to resign if goals are not achieved;

iii)    modification of bylaws to eliminate poison pill and staggered board provisions, either immediately or conditionally upon failure to achieve goals?


2.     What are the advantages or disadvantages to shareholders of terminating the company’s poison pill, or of modifying it to the “chewable” form providing for shareholder control of its extended use?


3.     Since Charles Elson was identified by Chesapeake as a qualified nominee to serve as a director of Shorewood in your recently abandoned consent solicitation, and since Mr. Elson is widely respected for his expertise in the governance issues which now concern Chesapeake’s shareholders, what are the advantages or disadvantages of adding Mr. Elson to Chesapeake’s board immediately, as permitted by your bylaws?  (It should be noted that Mr. Elson was not present when this question was developed, and was not informed of it until after the meeting.)


Please let me know if you require any explanations of these questions, and whether you prefer to respond in writing or at another open Forum meeting.

Very truly yours,



Gary Lutin

cc:           Mr. Peter F. Brennan



Material dated between January 1999 and July 2001 was originally published on the web site of the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was provided by Gary Lutin as co-sponsor of a "Forum Program" conducted for public educational purposes with NYSSA's Committee for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights during that period. Material dated after July 2001 was not published by the NYSSA unless specifically indicated.

For additional information, send an inquiry to admin@shareholderforum.com.