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Fair Investor Access

This public program was initiated in collaboration with The Conference Board Task Force on Corporate/Investor Engagement and with Thomson Reuters support of communication technologies. The Forum is providing continuing reports of the issues that concern this program's participants, as summarized  in the January 5, 2015 Forum Report of Conclusions.

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For a report of the previous week's Yahoo! use of a different form of live video earning's conference, see


Sources: IR Magazine | Inside Investor Relations, July 23, 2013 article

IR Magazine


Netflix opts for low-fi results webcast

23 Jul 2013

Video streaming firm grilled over new approach by moderator

Another week, another live earnings video. Yesterday, Netflix became the second company in just over a week to replace its quarterly call with a live video stream, following in the footsteps of Yahoo! last Tuesday.

The two videos couldn’t have been more different in style, however. While Yahoo! put on a slick, news-bulletin style show featuring CEO Marissa Mayer and CFO Ken Goldman, Netflix’s more basic approach featured three executives sitting in front of webcams on their laptops. ‘I hope the quality is acceptable, and we look forward to any suggestions from you afterwards,’ said CEO Reed Hastings.


Netflix webcast
‘I hope the quality is acceptable’ – Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO

Netflix also mixed up the Q&A format, bringing in Julia Boorstin, CNBC media reporter, and BTIG Research analyst Rich Greenfield (also on webcams) to ask questions submitted in advance via email and Twitter.

The questions came in from institutional investors, retail investors, sell-side analysts and other companies in the media industry, explained Boorstin, and were consolidated before being posed without attribution.

Julia Boorstin and Rich Greenfield
Julia Boorstin of CNBC and BTIG Research analyst Rich Greenfield moderated the webcast

Boorstin used the first question to ask Hastings about the new format. ‘There has been a lot of criticism about your decision to format the call this way,’ she said. ‘How do you address concerns it actually minimizes the ability of investors to communicate directly with you?’

‘I think we should process that after the interview. Let’s see whether it’s productive or useful for investors and see what they think,’ Hastings said in a brief response.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Netflix has run into controversy over its IR program. In December, the SEC said it was investigating the firm over a possible disclosure violation following a Facebook blog post by Hastings that contained information on monthly viewing figures.

The SEC later dropped its investigation into Netflix. It also took the opportunity to put out new guidance on how US disclosure rules apply to social media.

The full Netflix Q2 2013 earnings video



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This Forum program was open, free of charge, to anyone concerned with investor interests in the development of marketplace standards for expanded access to information for securities valuation and shareholder voting decisions. As stated in the posted Conditions of Participation, the purpose of this public Forum's program was to provide decision-makers with access to information and a free exchange of views on the issues presented in the program's Forum Summary. Each participant was expected to make independent use of information obtained through the Forum, subject to the privacy rights of other participants.  It is a Forum rule that participants will not be identified or quoted without their explicit permission.

This Forum program was initiated in 2012 in collaboration with The Conference Board and with Thomson Reuters support of communication technologies to address issues and objectives defined by participants in the 2010 "E-Meetings" program relevant to broad public interests in marketplace practices. The website is being maintained to provide continuing reports of the issues addressed in the program, as summarized in the January 5, 2015 Forum Report of Conclusions.

Inquiries about this Forum program and requests to be included in its distribution list may be addressed to

The information provided to Forum participants is intended for their private reference, and permission has not been granted for the republishing of any copyrighted material. The material presented on this web site is the responsibility of Gary Lutin, as chairman of the Shareholder Forum.

Shareholder Forum™ is a trademark owned by The Shareholder Forum, Inc., for the programs conducted since 1999 to support investor access to decision-making information. It should be noted that we have no responsibility for the services that Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., introduced for review in the Forum's 2010 "E-Meetings" program and has since been offering with the “Shareholder Forum” name, and we have asked Broadridge to use a different name that does not suggest our support or endorsement.