The Conference Board
Governance Center Blog
Jon Lukomnik, Executive Director, IRRC Institute
When you are
traveling down the wrong road, changing lanes doesn’t help very much. Yet
that’s what we’ve been doing about executive compensation for years, as we
tinker with stock options or restricted stock or add performance hurdles.
Sometimes, it’s
necessary to stop, remember the destination, and recalibrate your route.
That is
admittedly an overworked metaphor, but it is where we are today with
executive compensation. Few, if anyone, is pleased with the direction
executive compensation is taking or the road traveled to date. Investors
worry that top executives are paid too much for too little in way of
accomplishments. Boards fret that their judgment is constrained by the
perceived need for formulaic pay to satisfy investors and proxy voting
agencies. CEOs and other executives feel short-termism in their pay
formulae and wonder if they can really suggest that their boards allow
them to invest for the future.
It’s time to
remember the destination for virtually every company in America: Create
value, sustainably, over the long-term. How are we doing in reaching that
goal? The report card is mixed, at best. Nearly half of large public
companies in America (47.6 percent) destroyed economic value – they earned
less than their cost of capital – over the five year period ended 2012,
according to a recent study from
Organizational Capital Partners and IRRC Institute. But surely all the
emphasis on alignment at least means that pay and performance are
coordinated? Not really. The study reveals that only 12 percent of the
variability in executive compensation relates to the creation of economic
Today, the single
most common metric for long term incentive plans (LTIPs) is total
shareholder return, or TSR and its variants. TSR measures the alignment of
executive compensation to share price movement (plus dividends), and is
usually figured over a 1-year period. While TSR may be an adequate
post-hoc measure to understand which constituencies benefited from a
company’s increase in value, it’s a miserable metric to incent senior
management. To understand why, consider a sports analogy. In any game, the
winner is determined by the score. But watching the scoreboard is a losing
strategy; it’s not how you win the game. You win by making shots or
rebounding or scoring or playing defense. The fact of the matter is that
TSR is a scorecard: Using TSR as an incentive metric is like saying we’ll
win by having more points. It ignores strategy, effort, and execution.
Moreover, too
many extraneous factors influence stock market prices, from the policies
of the Federal Reserve to the price of oil to geopolitical crises, for
senior executives to have precise influence over TSR.
Despite that,
more than half the large companies in America use TSR (or its variant,
relative TSR) as an incentive compensation metric. That is more than any
other measure. By contrast, only a quarter of those companies use any type
of capital efficiency metric, such as return on invested capital or
economic profit. That’s important, because the laws of finance require a
company to earn more on its capital than the cost of that capital. As
obvious as that sounds – for example borrowing money at five percent and
earning four percent on it is probably not a good idea – the fact is that
three quarters of companies don’t include the cost of their capital in
their performance measurements.
disturbing, only about 15 of companies include measures of the types of
things that drive future growth – such as innovation or research and
development achievement – in their LTIPs. Future value is important; it
accounts for from 25 percent to 70 percent of a company’s enterprise
value. Perhaps because of the lack of innovation metrics, spending on
research and development has declined from 2.9 percent of revenue in 1998
to just 1.7 percent in 2012. That may not seem like a lot, but it
represents a 41 percent decline in revenue-adjusted dollars. We should not
be surprised. That is a logical result of executive compensation programs
that measure short-term stock market results but not innovation to spark
future value.
Finally, the
report notes that only 10 percent of companies have LTIP performance
periods of more than three years, despite the fact that directors and CEOs
generally think strategic plans should cover four years or more.
Exacerbating the disconnect between the desired strategic planning horizon
and the LTIP performance period used, about a quarter of companies don’t
even use multi-year performance periods, preferring instead to use
multi-year stock options. In effect, that just doubles down on the TSR
metric, without any explicit non-stock-price related incentive.
What’s to be
done? We need to rethink our incentive metrics to:
Add measures of
capital efficiency to long term incentive compensation plans (LTIPs);
Add measures of
innovation and other drives of future value;
Rethink the
performance measurement periods so they are truly long-term.
Of course, we
also need to recognize that companies don’t exist in a vacuum. Investors
and proxy advisory firms also over-rely on TSR. A second
Organizational Capital Partners/IRRC Institute study reveals that
there is no material difference in say-on-pay advisor recommendations or
institutional investor voting based on a company’s economic value creation
(or destruction) history. While there are historical reasons for this, the
positive is that the disconnect between the desire for long-term value
creation and how we compensate senior executives is starting to hit home.
Since the reports were published, investors representing more than $1
trillion have told us that they are considering how to refocus on economic
However, the
institutional voting pattern does mean that companies need to add a fourth
bullet point to the action plan above. A coherent, energetic
communications program to explain how the LTIP will henceforth measure the
right things over the right periods of time, so as to create sustainable
value, is an absolute necessity. While being forced to explain why a
company is doing the right thing is annoying, in the end, everyone, from
investors to Boards to CEOs, will benefit.
About the
Guest Blogger:

Jon Lukomnik,
Executive Director, IRRC Institute |
Jon Lukomnik serves as executive director of the IRRC Institute. A
columnist for Compliance Week, Mr. Lukomnik previously chaired the
executive committee of the Council of Institutional Investors, co-founded
and served as a governor of the International Corporate Governance Network
and is co-author of the award-winning “The New Capitalists: How Citizen
Investors Are Reshaping the Corporate Agenda ” (Harvard Business School
Press, 2006).