CFO insight and analysis written and compiled by Deloitte
Ways to Prepare for and Manage
Shareholder Activist Campaigns

Ewing |
activism is top of mind with many public company executives and boards of
directors these days, and for good reason: according to research from
Capital IQ, the volume of activist campaigns tripled between 2009 and 2013¹,
and as of June 2014, 400 activist funds control more than $100 billion in
assets under management (AUM), twice the amount in 2011².
activism has emerged as a force to be reckoned with, and companies need to
take steps to be prepared to respond,” said Miles Ewing, a principal with
Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Finance practice and leader of its Integrated
Performance Management group, during a
Deloitte webcast.
“In the wake of the financial crisis, Dodd-Frank and Say-on-Pay votes,
shareholders have become more assertive in expressing what they want from
the companies that they invest in. This new dynamic between public companies
and shareholders, including the intersection of corporate governance and
activism, is important for CFOs to consider,” Mr. Ewing said.
CFOs can help
prepare their companies to manage increasingly vocal and influential
investors by understanding and proactively addressing company financial
issues that could attract activist attention, such as value gaps, and by a
more proactive engagement with the investment community long before an
activist campaign begins and developing a playbook for responding to an
activist campaign.

Ruggeri |
“One of the
preferred defenses for shareholder activism is understanding your owners and
their priorities. The important thing is not to get caught by surprise when
an activist puts forth a proposal. To a large extent, activism is a debate
about capital deployment, risk tolerance and performance. In the normal
course of business, this should be a regular part of management and the
board’s agenda. You want to be in control of the situation and keep control
of the situation, and that means being a prepared company when it comes to
activism,” observed Chris Ruggeri, a principal and U.S. M&A leader for
Deloitte Transaction and Business Analytics LLP.
Trends in
Shareholder Activism
“One of the
keys to being a prepared company when it comes to activists is to understand
what they’re doing and why,” noted Bob Lamm, a senior advisor to Deloitte
LLP’s Center for Corporate Governance, during the webcast. Some of the
trends shaping today’s shareholder activist campaigns include the following:

Lamm |
activists have a longer-term investment horizon than their reputation
suggests. A study of 2,000 activist campaigns over the last 10 years by
Columbia Business School Professor Wei Jiang found that activists’ average
holding period is just over two years.³
― Activist
campaigns are often “friendly.” The majority of activist campaigns studied
by Professor Jiang occurred without getting into the press. Typically, a
shareholder approached a company with a point of view on either how capital
should be deployed or opportunities to enhance value and where there was a
conversation between company management and the investor.4
campaigns vary in objectives and tactics. Certain activists discreetly put
forth proposals focused on incremental value creation through constructive
interaction with company management. Others mount more aggressive, public
campaigns aimed at proxy contests or other tactics to force major company
transformations or change the composition of the board or management⁵.
industries have attracted varying amounts of attention from activists,
although no industry appears immune. Even when national security or
regulatory interests come into play, activists have made their mark across a
broad range of industries and will likely continue to do so.
―Factors that
tend to attract activist attention are strong cash flow, low dividend payout
ratios, conservative balance sheets, recent underperformance,
capital-intensive businesses with assets ripe for selling or spinning-off,
and industries facing shifting market forces and business models.
Ways to
Proactively Prepare for Activism
What do these
findings and others from recent activist campaigns suggest in terms of what
public companies might consider doing about activism? Lessons learned,
considerations and emerging leading practices include the following:
issues that might attract activists’ attention. “A starting point for CFOs
is understanding how investors think about your company, and then help
investors understand your business model and capital allocation decisions,
and have a high degree of confidence in management’s ability to achieve that
business model,” said Ms. Ruggeri, speaking during the webcast. To identify
potential issues that could draw activists’ attention, CFOs can ask, “How
does our cash flow performance compare to historical trends and our peers?”;
“Is strong performance generating a lot of cash that is building up on
balance sheets?”; “Does our capital structure have a conservative bent that
might spur debate on whether additional leverage would be appropriate?”; “Is
the sum-of-the parts worth more than the whole?”
the value proposition. Have a compelling, fact-based investment thesis that
includes making a clear case for why the company made its strategic choices
over alternative strategies and financial decisions.
evaluate strategic and transaction alternatives. “The current wave of
activism is a reminder that companies need to regularly and objectively
evaluate and prioritize various alternatives for delivering value to
shareholders,” says Ms. Ruggeri. “If you haven’t evaluated various
alternatives in a few years, or you aren’t being objective in making
decisions about alternatives for realizing value, you are setting yourself
up for trouble.”
governance policies and board composition. Is performance aligned with
compensation? “I consistently see instances in which excessive compensation
or a lack of alignment between performance and compensation in and of itself
can generate activist interest,” observed Mr. Lamm.
―Get out in
front of significant events. If management is contemplating a major
strategic shift or a transformational M&A transaction, ask, “Are we out in
front of that story, communicating what the investment or change in strategy
or the business model is, why that action makes sense and how it is going to
generate long-term value for shareholders?”
market activity. Be regularly apprised of what’s happening in your stock and
with your shareholder base. Have there been recent changes in investor
behavior or interactions? What is happening in the industry? Are peers being
targeted by activists, and if so, which funds and what proposals are being
put forth?
shareholder demands for information, transparency and access. Proactively
engaging with investors on a wide variety of topics can be a strong tool for
management in anticipation of activist activity. A high level of engagement
and two-way communication helps establish credibility with the investment
community that management has the shareholders’ interests at heart, and
provides crucial feedback on issues many investors are concerned about. This
may be especially helpful when engaging with major shareholders, who can be
cornerstones of an activist defense. Make sure they are satisfied with the
information and their access to management.
Attract and
retain top talent for the investor relations (IR) organization. A more
dynamic IR strategy may require companies to significantly upgrade the
talent and tools of their IR organization, Ms. Ruggeri observed. “The IR
head should be working closely with the CEO and CFO on investor
communications and be fluent in company strategy and finance so they can
have an interactive dialogue with the stakeholders,” she noted.
Have a
Response Playbook and Team in Place
Just as many
companies have crisis management teams and playbooks, it can be critical to
develop a clear plan on how to respond if an activist launches a campaign.
Having a protocol and a dedicated team with clearly articulated
responsibilities to follow helps companies to take control of the situation
from Day 1 and avoid missteps in the heat of the moment. “For instance, you
probably don’t want to make the chairman available on day one, but you
should have an idea of when to get to that step if required,” Mr. Lamm said.
One of the
first steps in a playbook is not to ignore the activist. “Stonewalling only
incites activists to become more aggressive,” noted Mr. Lamm. “You don’t
want to lose control because once you do, you lose credibility in the
marketplace, and when you lose credibility in the marketplace, it is very
difficult to wrestle that control back.”
The response
team should include financial advisors, attorneys, accountants, IR and PR.
It is critical that senior management keep the team informed and aligned
with their response to the activist campaign.
stakeholders informed and aligned. You don’t want the wrong message being
communicated externally, so keep everyone informed of what management is
thinking and planning. One question the team should ask almost on a daily
basis is, “Should we inform the board?”
Have directors
who can speak to the activist community. For example, if the chair of the
compensation committee can meet with an investor who questions the alignment
between pay and performance and justify it and defend the compensation
structure, it is far more effective than having the CEO defend it,” Mr. Lamm
these steps and considerations may not lead to a complete defense against
shareholder activism, but they are crucial to effective management of an
activist campaign. “Make no mistake, shareholder activism is likely not
going away anytime soon. Companies need to understand and proactively deal
with this new environment,” Ms. Ruggeri said.
1. Capital IQ
2. Prequin Special Report: Activist Hedge Funds, June 2014
Corporate Development 2012: Leveraging Relationships in M&A, Deloitte
Development LLC, pp. 38- 39.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
February 10, 2015, 12:01am