Academic study establishes need for case-specific analysis of capital needed to
support production of goods and services
For the paper summarized below, see:
Most of the literature cited in the summary below, and many
of those referenced in the full paper, can be found in the "Academic and Professional Views"
section of the reference page for the Forum's
Access" program addressing long term investor interests in activist
proposals, or in the "Research"
section of the reference page for a related project addressing a stock
buyback case example. |
The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial
Regulation, January 12, 2016 posting |
Short-Termism and
Shareholder Payouts: Getting Corporate Capital Flows Right
Posted by Jesse Fried, Harvard Law School
and Charles C.Y. Wang, Harvard Business School, on Thursday, January
12, 2017
fierce debate has been raging over whether shareholder-driven “short-termism”
(or “quarterly capitalism”) is a critical problem for U.S. public firms, their
investors, and the nation’s economy. Certain academics (Bratton and Wachter,
2010; Coffee and Palia, 2015), corporate lawyers (Lipton, 2015), Delaware judges
(Strine, 2010), and think tanks (Aspen Institute, 2009) contend that quarterly
capitalism, exacerbated by the growing power of hedge funds, is substantially
impairing firms’ ability to invest and innovate for the long term. Pushing back
against this view, a number of academics have forcefully argued that hedge funds
play a useful role in the market ecosystem (Bebchuk and Jackson, 2012; Gilson
and Gordon, 2013; Kahan and Rock, 2007) and that concerns over short-termism are
greatly exaggerated (Bebchuk, 2013; Roe, 2013).
The empirical evidence on shareholder activism and short-termism is, in fact,
mixed. Market pressures can lead executives to act in ways that boost the
short-term stock price at the expense of long-term value (Bushee, 1998; Dichev
et al., 2013; Graham et al., 2006) and may undesirably reduce investment at
public firms (Asker et al., 2015). But these costs must be weighed against the
potential reduction in agency costs created by greater director accountability
to shareholders. One prominent study finds evidence of such benefits, reporting
that shareholder activism increases the stock price at targeted firms in both
the short term and the long term (Bebchuk et al., 2015). Subsequent work,
however, seeks to challenge these findings (Cremers et al., 2016).
As the search for more and better evidence about short-termism continues,
academics, market participants and policymakers have increasingly pointed to the
large volume of dividends and repurchases as convincing evidence of
activism-induced short-termism. Much of the focus on shareholder payouts is due
to the work of economist William Lazonick, who has repeatedly and forcefully
argued that these shareholder payouts impair firms’ ability to invest, innovate,
and provide good wages. In the introduction to his most well-known work, an
influential 2014 Harvard Business Review article entitled “Profits Without
Prosperity,” Lazonick set out his main claim:
Corporate profitability is not translating into widespread
economic prosperity. The allocation of corporate profits to
stock buy-backs deserves much of the blame. Consider the 449
companies in the S&P 500 index that were publicly listed from
2003 through 2012. During that period those companies used 54%
of their net income—a total of $2.4 trillion—to buy back their
own stock, almost all through purchases on the open market.
Dividends absorbed an additional 37% of their net income. That
left very little for investments in productive capabilities or
higher incomes for employees. (Lazonick, 2014) |
the publication of “Profits Without Prosperity,” Lazonick’s findings and similar
shareholder- payout figures have been cited by economists at the Brookings
Institution (Galston and Kamarck, 2015), prominent asset managers (Fink, 2015),
leading corporate lawyers (Lipton, 2015), and senior politicians and
policymakers as evidence that short-term pressures generated by activist
shareholders are depriving firms of the capital they need to invest for the long
term and pay adequate wages. Financial economists (Kahle and Stulz, 2016) have
also pointed to the magnitude of shareholder payouts as a percentage of net
income as evidence for concern about US public firms’ opportunities (or
incentives) to invest.
In a paper recently posted on SSRN,
Short-Termism and Shareholder Payouts:
Getting Corporate Capital Flows Right, we explain that these shareholder-payout
figures fail to provide convincing evidence—or indeed any evidence of harmful
short-termism—because they are an incomplete and misleading measure of
public-firm capital flows.
First, shareholder payouts tell only half the story of capital movements between
firms and their shareholders. In particular, they fail to account for direct and
indirect equity capital inflows through share issuances. U.S. firms issue
considerable amounts of common stock to raise cash, pay employees, and acquire
assets. We put forward and implement a methodology for estimating net
shareholder payouts (shareholder payouts less equity issuances) in S&P 500
firms. Using this measurement method, we find that there is a massive wedge
between shareholder-payout figures (that are cited as evidence of short- termism)
and net shareholder payouts (that measure net capital movement between firms and
shareholders). For example, during the period 2005-2014, S&P 500 firms
distributed to shareholders more than $3.95 trillion through stock buybacks and
$2.45 trillion through dividends. These cash outflows, which totaled $6.4
trillion, represented 93% of these firms’ net income during this period. But
during this same period, S&P 500 firms absorbed, directly or indirectly, $3.4
trillion of equity capital from shareholders through share issuances. After
taking into account equity issuances, our estimates indicate that net
shareholder payouts from S&P 500 firms during the years 2005-2014 were only
about $3 trillion, or 44% of these firms’ net income over this period.
Second, a focus on S&P 500 firms—which generally have fewer growth opportunities
than smaller and younger firms—creates a misleading picture of net shareholder
payouts in the public markets as a whole. We show that while S&P 500 firms are
net exporters of equity capital, public firms outside of the S&P 500 are net
importers of equity capital, absorbing $520 billion of equity capital, or about
16% of the net shareholder payouts of S&P 500 companies, during the period
2005-2014. Across all public firms, net shareholder payouts from 2005 to 2014
were only $2.50 trillion, about 33% of the net income of public firms over this
Third, during the period 2005-2014 public firms engaged in approximately $800
billion of net debt issuances, equaling 32% of the $2.50 trillion in net
shareholder payouts. When a firm borrows $X and issues a dividend of $X, there
is no reduction in the firm’s assets. Rather, such a transaction merely
rebalances the firm’s capital structure, substituting $X of debt for $X of
equity. Thus, $800 billion of the $2.50 trillion in net shareholder payouts by
public firms in this period are effectively debt-for-equity recapitalizations,
rather than downsizing distributions. Across the entire market, only $1.7
trillion of net shareholder payouts, about 22% of aggregate net income, are not
offset by net debt issuances.
Our analyses of net shareholder payouts, along with our findings on the extent
to which net shareholder payouts are offset by net debt issuances, have
important implications for the debate over short-termism. They indicate that
capital flows from public firms to shareholders—which have been described as
convincing evidence of short-termism—are (a) substantially smaller than they
appear and (b) because of offsetting debt transactions, likely to have an even
smaller impact on public-firm financial capacities.
To be sure, we cannot rule out the possibility that short-termist pressures are
causing some firms to distribute too much cash to shareholders (or are
generating other costs unrelated to capital flows). However, a close look at the
data reveals that there is little reason to believe that short-termism is, as is
commonly believed, systematically stripping firms of the capital needed to
invest, innovate, and pay higher wages.
In our paper, we also offer three additional reasons why concerns about
shareholder payouts from public companies are likely to be overblown. First, the
focus on shareholder payouts as a percentage of net income is highly misleading;
it wrongly implies that “net income” reflects the totality of a firm’s resources
that are generated from its business operations and are available for
investment. In fact, net income is calculated by subtracting the many costs
associated with future-oriented activities that can be expensed (such as R&D).
These amounts are substantial. On average, firms spend approximately 25-30% of
their net income on R&D alone. In other words, much of the resources generated
by a firm’s business operations have already been used for long-term investment
before net income is calculated.
Second, even net shareholder payouts (adjusted for net debt issuances) tell us
little about the effect of such capital flows on public firms’ financial
capacities–because firms can always choose to issue more stock. The amount of
equity issued by any given public firm in any given year does not represent a
cap; the firm could have chosen to issue even more stock to raise cash, acquire
assets, or pay employees. Thus, if that firm has a valuable investment
opportunity, but little cash, the firm should generally be able to use equity
financing to exploit the opportunity.
Third, the concern about the volume of shareholder payouts appears to be based,
in part, on an implicit assumption that there is no economic benefit to putting
cash in the hands of public shareholders. But net shareholder payouts from
public companies do not disappear down the economic drain. Just as much of the
net shareholder payouts from S&P 500 firms flow to smaller public firms outside
the S&P 500, much of the net shareholder payouts from public companies in the
aggregate are likely to be invested in firms raising capital through an IPO, or
in non-public businesses backed by private equity or venture capital.
Historically, these firms have been generators of tremendous innovation and job
growth in the U.S. economy. Thus, even if net shareholder payouts were to reduce
public firms’ ability to invest, innovate, and provide higher wages, some of
these funds will find their way to private firms and enable these firms to
invest, innovate, and provide higher wages. In short, any economic costs borne
by stakeholders of public firms as a result of net shareholder payouts must be
weighed against the economic benefits generated by the investment of at least
some of these funds in private firms.
Our analysis thus suggests that the volume of share repurchases and dividends by
the largest public firms is highly unlikely to indicate that short-termism, or
some other factor, is causing public firms to distribute too much cash to
shareholders. Those arguing that short-termism is harming the economy will need
to look elsewhere to find support for their claim.
The full paper is available for download
Harvard Law School Forum
on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
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