Each year, I write to the CEOs of leading companies in which our
clients are shareholders. These clients, the vast majority of whom are
investing for long-term goals like retirement or a child’s education,
are the true owners of these companies. As a fiduciary, I write on
their behalf to advocate governance practices that BlackRock believes
will maximize long-term value creation for their investments.
Last year, we asked CEOs to
communicate to shareholders their annual strategic frameworks for
long-term value creation and explicitly affirm that their boards have
reviewed those plans. Many companies responded by publicly disclosing
detailed plans, including robust processes for board involvement.
These plans provided shareholders with an opportunity to evaluate a
company’s long-term strategy and the progress made in executing on it.
Over the past 12 months, many of the assumptions on which those plans
were based –including sustained low inflation and an expectation for
continued globalization –
have been upended. Brexit is
reshaping Europe; upheaval in the Middle East is having global
consequences; the U.S. is anticipating reflation, rising rates, and
renewed growth; and President Trump’s fiscal, tax and trade policies
will further impact the economic landscape.
At the root of many of these changes is a growing backlash against the
impact globalization and technological change are having on many
workers and communities. I remain a firm believer that the overall
benefits of globalization have been significant, and that global
companies play a leading role in driving growth and prosperity for
all. However, there is little doubt that globalization’s benefits have
been shared unequally, disproportionately benefitting more highly
skilled workers, especially those in urban areas.
On top of uneven wage growth, technology is transforming the labor
market, eliminating millions of jobs for lower-skilled workers even as
it creates new opportunities for highly educated ones. Workers whose
roles are being lost to technological change are typically facing
retirement with inadequate savings, in part because the burden for
retirement savings increasingly has shifted from employers to
These dynamics have far-reaching political and economic ramifications,
which impact virtually every global company. We believe that it is
imperative that companies understand these changes and adapt their
strategies as necessary – not just following a year like 2016, but as
part of a constant process of understanding the landscape in which you
As BlackRock engages with your company this year, we will be looking
to see how your strategic framework reflects and recognizes the impact
of the past year’s changes in the global environment. How have these
changes impacted your strategy and how do you plan to pivot, if
necessary, in light of the new world in which you are operating?
BlackRock engages with companies from the perspective of a long-term
shareholder. Since many of our clients’ holdings result from
index-linked investments – which we cannot sell as long as those
securities remain in an index – our clients are the definitive
long-term investors. As a fiduciary acting on behalf of these clients,
BlackRock takes corporate governance
particularly seriously and engages with our voice, and with
our vote, on matters that can influence the long-term value of firms.
With the continued growth of index investing, including the use of
ETFs by active managers, advocacy and engagement have become even more
important for protecting the long-term interests of investors.
As we seek to build long-term value for our clients through
engagement, our aim is not to micromanage a company’s operations.
Instead, our primary focus is to ensure board accountability for
creating long-term value. However, a long-term approach should not be
confused with an infinitely patient one. When BlackRock does not see
progress despite ongoing engagement, or companies are insufficiently
responsive to our efforts to protect our clients’ long-term economic
interests, we do not hesitate to exercise our right to vote against
incumbent directors or misaligned executive compensation.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors relevant to a
company’s business can provide essential insights into management
effectiveness and thus a company’s long-term prospects. We look to see
that a company is attuned to the key factors that contribute to
long-term growth: sustainability of the business model and its
operations, attention to external and environmental factors that could
impact the company, and recognition of the company’s role as a member
of the communities in which it operates. A global company needs to be
local in every single one of its markets.
BlackRock also engages to understand a company’s priorities for
investing for long-term growth, such as research, technology and,
critically, employee development and long-term financial well-being.
The events of the past year have only reinforced how critical the
well-being of a company’s employees is to its long-term success.
Companies have begun to devote greater attention to these issues of
long-term sustainability, but despite increased rhetorical commitment,
they have continued to engage in buybacks at a furious pace. In fact,
for the 12 months ending in the third quarter of 2016, the value of
dividends and buybacks by S&P 500 companies exceeded those companies’
operating profit. While we certainly support returning excess capital
to shareholders, we believe companies must balance those practices
with investment in future growth. Companies should engage in buybacks
only when they are confident that the return on those buybacks will
ultimately exceed the cost of capital and the long-term returns of
investing in future growth.
Of course, the private sector alone is not capable of shifting the
tide of short-termism afflicting our society. We need government
policy that supports these goals – including tax reform,
infrastructure investment and strengthening retirement systems.
As the U.S. begins to consider tax reform this year, it should seize
the opportunity to build a capital gains regime that truly rewards
long-term investments over short-term holdings. One year is far too
short to be considered a long-term holding period. Instead, gains
should receive long-term treatment only after three years, and we
should adopt a decreasing tax rate for each year of ownership beyond
If tax reform also includes some form of reduced taxation for
repatriation of cash trapped overseas, BlackRock will be looking to
companies’ strategic frameworks for an explanation of whether they
will bring cash back to the U.S., and if so, how they plan to use it.
Will it be used simply for more share buybacks? Or is it a part of a
capital plan that appropriately balances returning capital to
shareholders with prudently investing for future growth?
President Trump has indicated an interest in infrastructure
investment, which has the dual benefits of improving overall
productivity and creating jobs, especially for workers displaced by
technology. However, while infrastructure investing can stem the flow
of job losses due to automation, it is not a solution to that problem.
America’s largest companies, many of whom are struggling with a skills
gap in filling technical positions, must improve their capacity for
internal training and education to compete for talent in today’s
economy and fulfill their responsibilities to their employees. In
order to fully reap the benefits of a changing economy – and sustain
growth over the long-term – businesses will need to increase the
earnings potential of the workers who drive returns, helping the
employee who once operated a machine learn to program it.
Finally, as major participants in retirement programs in the U.S. and
around the world, companies must lend their voice to developing a more
secure retirement system for all workers, including the millions of
workers at smaller companies who are not covered by employer-provided
plans. The retirement crisis is not an intractable problem. We have a
wealth of tools at our disposal: auto-enrollment and auto-escalation,
pooled plans for small businesses, and potentially even a
mandatory contribution model like
Canada’s or Australia’s.
Another essential ingredient will be improving employees’
understanding of how to prepare for retirement. As stewards of their
employees’ retirement plans, companies must embrace the responsibility
to build financial literacy in their workforce, especially because
employees have assumed greater responsibility through the shift from
traditional pensions to defined-contribution plans. Asset managers
also have an important role in building financial literacy, but as an
industry we have done a poor job to date. Now is the time to empower
savers with new technologies and the education they need to make smart
financial decisions. If we are going to solve the retirement crisis –
and help workers adjust to a globalized world – businesses need to
hold themselves to a high standard and act with the conviction that
retirement security is a matter of shared economic security.
That shared economic security can only be achieved through a long-term
approach by investors, companies and policymakers. As you build your
strategy, it is essential that you consider the underlying dynamics
that drive change around the world. The success of your company and
global growth depend on it.
Larry Fink
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Laurence D. Fink is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
of BlackRock, Inc. He also leads the firm's Global Executive
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