Is There a Relationship Between High CEO Pay and Corporate
We ran the numbers for the Management 250 rankings, and were
surprised by the results

The higher companies’ ratio of CEO to employee pay, the higher
the average scores in the Management Top 250 ranking of
corporate effectiveness.
By Rick Wartzman and Kelly Tangy
July 30, 2022 12:00 pm ET
As pay for top executives began to soar decades ago,
the management scholar Peter Drucker feared that the trend would prove
problematic in two respects: for the health of individual businesses
and for the health of society.
latest research suggests that he may have been only half-right.
based our findings on the Drucker Institute’s measure of management
effectiveness, which is grounded in many of Mr. Drucker’s core teachings. It
serves as the foundation of the Management Top 250, an annual ranking produced
in partnership with The Wall Street Journal. The 2021
list was published in December.
all, we used 34 different indicators last year to examine 846 large, publicly
traded U.S. corporations in five areas: customer satisfaction, employee
engagement and development, innovation, social responsibility and financial
create our ranking, companies are compared in each of the five categories, in
addition to their overall effectiveness, through standardized scores with a
typical range of 0 to 100 and a mean of 50. We define effectiveness as Mr.
Drucker did: “doing the right things well.”
our latest analysis, we tried to determine what statistical relationship might
exist between our model and the ratio of the compensation of a company’s CEO to
the median compensation of its employees.
pay has become both a symbol and source of income inequality in America, with
the median remuneration for the heads of S&P 500 companies rising
to a record $14.2 million last year. The pay-ratio metric, meanwhile, has
become increasingly important in the eyes of socially conscious investors and
policy makers hoping to rein in CEO compensation.
gaining a lot of interest and attention,” says Amit Batish, director of content
for Equilar Inc., a supplier of corporate leadership data. This has been partly
driven by the pandemic, which, as Mr. Batish points out, has put “a focus on
employee well-being and whether employees are being paid fairly.”
obtain the pay-ratio figures, we turned to Equilar, which tracks this
information for 482 of the corporations that we cover. (Public companies have
been mandated to disclose their pay ratio since 2018. The latest data available
from Equilar is for 2021.)
divided the companies into quartiles, stretching from those with the highest pay
ratios to those with the lowest over the past three years—a median of 481 to 1,
243 to 1, 154 to 1 and 85 to 1. Then we looked at the average scores in our
rankings for 2019-2021 for the companies in each of these four groups.
pattern that emerged was clear and consistent: The higher the pay ratio, the
higher the average scores in our rankings. This was true for overall
effectiveness, as well as for every one of the five areas we gauge.
in the highest pay-ratio quartile had an average total effectiveness score of
57.0 on our 0-100 scale, compared with a 50.2 for those in the lowest quartile—a
significant difference.
spread in customer satisfaction was also substantial, with firms in the highest
pay-ratio quartile scoring an average of 53.9 and those in the lowest quartile
at 46.9. The picture in innovation was similar; companies with the widest pay
gaps scored 58.8 on average, while those with the narrowest scored 51.8.
Pay Pattern
The Drucker Institute examined the statistical connection between its
company rankings and the ratio of the compensation of a company’s CEO to
the median compensation of its employees. A clear pattern emerged when the
482 firms studied for the 2019-2021 period were divided into quartiles:
The higher the pay ratio, the higher the average score in the rankings
across all categories, using a 0-100 scale.
481:1 |
57.0 |
53.9 |
53.8 |
58.8 |
59.0 |
56.8 |
243:1 |
56.5 |
52.5 |
53.2 |
56.9 |
58.2 |
55.9 |
154:1 |
53.2 |
50.6 |
52.6 |
53.3 |
57.9 |
52.9 |
85:1 |
50.2 |
46.9 |
52.1 |
51.8 |
55.7 |
52.1 |
Note: The Drucker Institute scores are based on its full universe of 846
large, publicly traded U.S. corporations.
Sources: Equilar Inc. for the pay-ratio data; Drucker Institute for the
rankings data, using metrics from American Customer Satisfaction Index;
Clarivate; CSRHub; Emsi Burning Glass; Glassdoor; HIP Investor; ISS EVA;
J.D. Power; Prof. Dimitris Papanikolaou of Northwestern University and
Prof. Amit Seru of Stanford University; Payscale; Refinitiv Eikon; Supply
Chain Resource Cooperative; Sustainalytics and wRatings |
The results surprised us. Our expectation had been that, if
anything, companies with the highest pay ratios would fare worse in our
rankings—not better—because too big a discrepancy would make it difficult to
nurture the kind of teamwork and trust that businesses need to succeed.
As Mr. Drucker, who died in 2005, said in a 1998 interview, “I
have often advised managers that a 20-to-1 salary ratio is the limit beyond
which they cannot go if they don’t want resentment and falling morale to hit
their companies.”
So, why didn’t things play out this way?
A key reason, we suspect, is that the
majority of CEO pay comes in the form of stock and stock options, and the
most effectively managed companies in our rankings have, by and large, watched
their shares perform very well in recent years, easily
outpacing the benchmark Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index.
To be sure, when exploring different variables than we do, other
experts have produced evidence more in line with Mr. Drucker’s thinking. For
example, a 2016
study by MSCI
Inc. indicates that when pay imbalances between the CEO and everybody else
are greater, labor productivity is lower. And a 2017
study by Harvard University’s Ethan Rouen found that “pay disparity matters
to employee satisfaction, with consequences for firm performance”—specifically,
year-ahead, industry-adjusted return on net operating assets.
Moreover, an earlier
analysis that we ourselves conducted shows that those companies that pay
their employees the best score higher than their lower-paying peers across every
area of our model.
Then, too, there is Mr. Drucker’s other concern—the effect of
outsize CEO pay on the cohesion of society.
Miguel Padro, assistant director of the Aspen Institute’s
Business and Society Program, says the fact that companies with the most extreme
pay gaps scored so well in our rankings underscores “that corporate success
should not be confused with corporate effectiveness at solving society’s deepest
“We may have really well-run big businesses,” he says, “while
society comes apart because of polarization, massive inequality and widespread
Sarah Anderson of the Institute for Policy Studies, which has
been sharply
critical of “CEO pay-inflating tactics,” stresses that a pay ratio of even
100 to 1, much less 400 or 500 to 1, is going to be seen as “outrageous” by most
Mr. Drucker would undoubtedly agree. As early as 1977, he
called for a “corporate policy that fixes the maximum compensation of all
corporate executives” at no more than 25 to 1.
Otherwise, Mr. Drucker later said, those at the top would make so
much money compared with their front-line workers and even midlevel managers,
“whole dimensions of what it means to be a human being and treated as one aren’t
incorporated into the economic calculus of capitalism.
“For such a myopic system to dominate other aspects of life,” he
added, “isn’t good for any society.”
That’s a position we’re sure he’d stand by—no matter what the
rankings say.
Mr. Wartzman is head of the KH Moon Center for a Functioning
Society, part of the Drucker Institute, and Ms. Tang is the institute’s senior
director of research. Email them at reports@wsj.com.