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Wall Street Journal, May 3, 2008 article


The Wall Street Journal

May 3, 2008 3:53 p.m. EDT


Buffett Says Some Banks Too Big, Complicated To Run

May 3, 2008 3:53 p.m.


OMAHA, Neb. (Dow Jones)--Some investment banks and commercial banks are too large and complex to run, Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) Chairman Warren Buffett said Saturday.

"There are firms in terms of risk that are conducting themselves in a way that makes them too big to manage," he said.

Such financial institutions are designed to survive only until there's a shock to the system that may only occur once in 50 years, Buffett said.

"That may not be in the interest of a 62-year-old executive, who will be around for the next three years to worry about that," he said.

Banks and brokerage firms have been hit hard by the mortgage-fueled credit crunch. Financial-services companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 index have lost roughly a quarter of their market value in the past year.

Concerns about brokerage firms increased earlier this year when Bear Stearns (BSC), one of the largest mortgage underwriters and derivatives traders, almost collapsed. Bear had to be bailed out by J.P. Morgan Chase (JPM), which has offered to acquire the firm for a knock-down price in a deal arranged with the Federal Reserve.

As a result, the Fed has also started lending directly to brokerage firms to help them avoid liquidity crunches like the one that nearly felled Bear.

"The Fed did the right thing stepping in," Buffett said.

If Bear had failed, one or two other investment banks would probably have collapsed within a few days, he said.

Bear had roughly $14.5 trillion of derivative contracts outstanding the day after it was bailed out, he said.

"The parties that had those contracts would have had to establish the damages that they could claim against that estate very quickly," he said.

"Imagine the damage of everyone trying to unwind those contracts," Buffett said. "That would have been a spectacle of unprecedented proportions. It would have resulted in another one or two more investment banks going down in a few days."

   Beware Of Derivatives 

Buffett also pointed to dangers connected with some derivatives markets.

Banks and brokerage firms still have billions of dollars of exposure to mortgage securities, CDOs and other complex derivatives. That makes it more difficult to judge how leveraged they are and the companies' true values.

Credit default swaps (CDS) are probably the fastest-growing part of the market for derivatives, which are financial instruments that get their value from other securities. CDS instruments offer investors protection against default, and the notional value of these credit derivatives almost doubled to $62.2 trillion last year.

Such explosive growth has sparked concerns that if a major CDS counterparty got into trouble, the financial system could collapse. Bear Stearns is one of the largest CDS players in the world, so when the brokerage firm nearly collapsed, authorities had to step in quickly.

Buffett has called derivatives "financial weapons of mass destruction" in his 2002 letter to shareholders, after trying to unwind such positions held by GenRe, a big reinsurer Berkshire acquired four years earlier.

While Berkshire increased its derivatives positions in 2007, Buffett said in his latest letter to shareholders that the company holds the cash involved in these transactions, eliminating counterparty risk.

Berkshire Vice Chairman Charlie Munger said some banks have assets that he described as "good until reached for" - assets that are considered valuable until firms try to sell or unwind them.

He said the culture of investment banks is in some ways "evil" and counterproductive to the financial health of the U.S. Traders in such firms are often eager to make overly risky investments, a practice that is difficult for the heads of brokerages to stop, he said. This in turn puts too much risk on the financial system as a whole, he said.


-By Michael Kitchen; 415-439-6400;

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