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For a link to the letter referenced in the article below, with a disclaimer relating to its statements, see


Virginian-Pilot, October 11, 2009 article




By Dustin Long
The Virginian-Pilot
© October 11, 2009


Nearly a new owner?

A letter from a Dover Motorsports Inc., official to a shareholder reveals International Speedway Corp. and Speedway Motorsports Inc., considered buying the company together in 2007.

The letter, dated last month and from Klaus Belohoubek, senior vice president, general counsel for Dover Motorsports Inc., references a meeting he and other company executives had in a Dallas airport hangar with Lesa France Kennedy and Bruton Smith, SMI Chairman.

The letter to Mario Cibelli says Smith led negotiations.

Belohoubek states, "Mr. Smith proceeded to offer to buy the company at market value with no premium. After about an hour of discussions, he offered an additional nickel per share. Why he chose to be so insulting is anyone's guess, but the meeting adjourned shortly after this."


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