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Mitchell Partners Reply to SEC Opposing Management's Exclusion of Shareholder Proposal

(October 3, 2003)

Copied below is the text of an October 3, 2003 letter from Mitchell Partners, L.P., to the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), replying to the referenced September 12, 2003, six-page letter from attorneys engaged by Farmer Bros. management to seek SEC concurrence in excluding Mitchell Partners' proposal from the company's proxy statement for shareholder voting at the annual meeting.

As stated in the letter, Mitchell Partners has proposed simply deleting the single sentence that the company's attorneys have challenged, rather than burden themselves or the SEC staff with a dispute over a relatively unimportant part of the proposal.  Deleting the challenged provision, which would have required a supermajority vote for future actions to eliminate cumulative voting, does not involve any other change in the proposal to restore cumulative voting as permitted by the California Corporations Code.




Mitchell Partners, L.P.

3187-D Airway Avenue

Costa Mesa, California 92626

(714) 432-5300

Fax (714) 432-5303


James E. Mitchell, General Partner




October 3, 2003




Grace K. Lee, Esquire

Division of Corporation Finance

Securities and Exchange Commission

450 Fifth Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20549



                        Re:       Farmer Bros. Co.

·          Shareholder proposal for restoration of cumulative voting

·          September 12, 2003 letter addressing Rule 14a-8



Dear Ms. Lee:


            We have received a September 12, 2003 letter from Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom on behalf of the management of Farmer Bros. Co. ("Company"), seeking SEC Staff concurrence with their arguments to exclude from the Company proxy statement the shareholder proposal submitted by Mitchell Partners, L.P., for the restoration of cumulative voting ("Proposal").  We wish to eliminate any dispute about our Proposal by simply eliminating its challenged portion.


            The Company's attorneys have challenged only the second sentence of our Proposal's by-law amendment which would provide for at least a 75% vote to eliminate cumulative voting in the future.  Since a dispute of the state law on which the Company's challenge is based would not be justifiable for this incidental and relatively unimportant part of our Proposal, we would prefer to simply drop that sentence rather than burden ourselves, the SEC, and possibly a state court with the need to resolve the issue.


            The original Proposal presented a resolution with an introductory phrase and a two sentence amendment to a section of the Company's bylaws.  The only change would be the deletion of the challenged second sentence: “Cumulative voting rights may be eliminated in the future only if the elimination is approved by at least 75% of outstanding shares.”  The revised Proposal would then be as follows:





Resolved, that shareholders wish to restore their rights to cumulative voting for the election of directors, and that Paragraph 2, Section 8, Article II of the Company's Bylaws is therefore amended to read as follows:


"In electing directors of this corporation, the holders of shares shall be entitled to cumulate votes as permitted by the California Corporations Code."




            Eliminating the challenged 75% "supermajority" voting provision would not require any changes in the original Supporting Statement.  We note, however, that the Company has argued that portions of the Supporting Statement could be misleading.  We do not believe that the average reader would misinterpret our statements as the Company suggests, but we will of course be willing to edit any portion of the Supporting Statement that you find potentially confusing.


            Our intent is to present a Proposal that allows shareholders to exercise their governance rights and responsibilities, and we will welcome your guidance.  Please let us know what additional information you may find useful.



                                                            Very truly yours,

                                                            Mitchell Partners, L.P.



                                                            James E. Mitchell

                                                            General Partner



cc:  Joseph J. Giunta, Esquire



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There is no charge for participation.  Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC, the manager of funds owning approximately 12.6% of Farmer Bros. shares, provided initial sponsorship for the Forum and arranged for it to be chaired by Gary Lutin.  Continuing support and guidance of the Forum is provided by an Advisory Panel of actively interested shareholders.

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