SEPTEMBER 16, 2015
The Indie Robo-Advisor: A Doomed Business Model?
Bigger competitors and
growth-hungry venture capitalists are bearing down, but there may be a
way out, Cerulli says
Pivoting to a B-to-B model may be robos' only hope, Cerulli
says. |
In the changing world of financial advisory services, it’s not just
the traditional advisors who have to adjust but also the robo-advisors
that have been leading the disruption.
According to the latest Cerulli Edge report, software-only eRIAs –
electronic registered investment advisors, Cerulli’s term for robo-advisors
— are operating in a business threatened with commoditization, which
will depress fees that are already under pressure from the entrée of
Schwab and Vanguard, soon to be joined by BlackRock (BLK).
(BlackRock’s acquisition of FutureAdvisor, a robo-advisor, is expected
to close in the fourth quarter.)
"eRIAs will need to grow approximately 50%-60% per year for the next
six years and gather approximately $35 billion in AUM to remain a
standalone direct channel for consumer business," says Federick
Pickering, research analyst at Cerulli.
“Ultimately the eRIA services need to prove themselves as a business
model and not a technology offering,” the Cerulli report states. The
business, which is expected to more than triple in size this year, is
under pressure on many fronts, according to Cerulli:
Robo-advisors lack an
economic “moat,” or barrier to competition
They are unable to charge
higher premiums in an increasingly competitive market where major
institutions have started their own robo-advisory service or and big
independent robo-advisors like Betterment and Wealthfront are
cutting fees or minimums, or both
They don’t have the deep
pockets needed for massive marketing campaigns
Their venture
capitalists, which initially financed their operations, want to see
high double-digit growth, which will become increasingly difficult
as assets grow and especially difficult if markets weaken
Given all these pressures, Cerulli suggests that robo-advisors
consider “pivoting to a business-to-business model.”
Betterment, for example, has been moving in that direction with its
partnership with Fidelity Institutional Wealth and its recent
announcement of a 401(k) offering, Betterment for Business, beginning
next year.
Cerulli suggests that eRIAs partner with banks, especially smaller
regional banks; smaller RIA firms; and independent broker-dealers who
haven’t built their own robo-advisory service, becoming a third-party
vendor (TPV).
“The traditional retail bank and RIA channel are a natural fit for
many of the eRIAs,” according to the report, which notes that Bank of
America (BAC)
and Ameritrade (AMTD)
already have such offerings.
Such collaborations will allow eRIAs “to engage with established
distribution channel, lower their distributions costs and attain the
aggressive growth rates necessary to meet the projected expectations
of the venture capital partners,” according to the report.
“Banks already have a roster of existing clients,” say Pickering, and
they are looking to expand their services to include more financial
advisory services. “The last time I went to my bank they asked if I
want a financial checkup,” Pickering added.
And small RIA firms and independent broker-dealers “more and more want
to build relationships with their clients’ children,” says Pickering.
“This is an area, if you can scale your platform to take on new
clients, that would enable advisory practices to service a larger
number of lower net worth clients.”
In the meantime it’s important to remember that digital advisors —
whether they’re independent or part of large financial institutions
like Vanguard or Schwab (SCHW) —
are still a fraction of the broader $19 trillion wealth advisory
market. Total digital advisory assets are expected to reach $54
billion this year – more than three times the sum at the end of 2014 —
but independent robo-advisors are projected to be a little more than
one-fifth of that market, at $12 billion, according to Aite Group, a
research and consulting firm focused on wealth management.