Point72-Backed Start-Up to Rock the Proxy Vote
By Mary
Childs ● April 10, 2018 8:35 a.m. ET

A new start-up has raised
funds from Steve Cohen’s Point72 Ventures as it seeks to upend the
proxy-voting process.
Technology platform SAY
has raised $8 million in seed financing, from investors including
Point72 Ventures, according to a statement today. SAY aims to
“empower” shareholders by making proxy voting more accessible.
The problem is access and branding,
according to SAY’s co-founder and CEO, Jeffrey Cruttenden. He had earlier
co-founded Acorns, which funnels users’ spare change into exchange-traded funds.
“`Proxy’ is one of the most poorly
branded words in history,” he told Barron’s last week. Sitting in SAY’s
Soho office, he described the missed opportunity: based on what he sees through
Acorns, which has squirreled away over $800 million for customers, “the new
investor is stoked to learn.” But words like “proxy” and its cumbersome process
keep them from getting involved, leaving them disenfranchised and mistrustful.
“It can’t be worse than it is now,”
Cruttenden says, sweeping his hands across the black conference table as if to
wipe away the ugly current process. Owners aren’t exercising their say in a
company’s choices, he says, and “companies and activists are frustrated they
can’t connect with beneficial owners.”
The current process does look
antiquated. When corporate matters need a vote, stakeholders used to convene at
shareholder meetings in person, with formal tickets and “a lot of ceremony and
ritual around it,” but that has been displaced by proxy voting, remotely casting
a ballot. That means stakeholders receive a big packet of information in the
mail, which few actually read, and send in their response.
But fewer than 30% of
retail shareholders actually vote, according to data collected by Broadridge
Financial Solutions, which administers
the bulk of proxy voting.
That leaves power in the
hands of institutional investors. For example, mega-money manager BlackRock Inc.
oversees $6.3 trillion, much of it in passive index funds whose holders are
probably paying less close attention and may not even know they are holders. So
BlackRock centralizes proxy voting in its Investment
Stewardship Team, led by Michelle
Edkins. She and a team of about 30 vote on over 130,000 proposals.
Both activists and company
management see the platform as a tool to help gather support for their causes,
which are often at odds. One of SAY’s investors is a prominent activist, who
through a spokesman asked to remain anonymous.
SAY will help reach those paying
less attention, or those deterred by the opaque language in the stack of papers
they get in the mail.
Starting with those investors
shepherded into the market by their spare change: SAY is partnering with Acorns
to “empower” those investors, giving them access to the ownership rights they
already have.
But Vanguard and BlackRock do not
offer pass-through voting for ETF holders and vote the shares themselves, except
for in some cases with institutional investors and separately managed accounts.
So SAY’s utility through ETFs is limited: the platform will enable ETF
shareholders to vote on their fund’s trust board, and to offer suggestions that
will ostensibly then be taken to and considered by the ETF’s investment manager.
For holders of individual stocks,
users with accounts at participating brokers will be able to link to their
holdings, get verified as an owner, and submit their proxy votes on the
platform. So far, two brokers are already connected, with five more to come by
the fall. (If a user’s broker is not connected to the platform, they can still
verify ownership and connect with fellow owners.)
Cruttenden “planted the idea” for
SAY when he met Acorns CEO Noah Kerner.
“Through a partnership with SAY,
customers of Acorns will gain a deeper understanding of and influence over what
they own,” Kerner said in the press release.
SAY will allow users to
submit suggestions for a vote, but they must reach a quorum for viability, just
as upvoted posts rise to the top of Reddit. Cruttenden doesn’t foresee problems
like those now manifesting in social platforms like Twitter and Facebook that
were supposed to foster democratic participation and connection but that now
seem to amplify and weaponize the worst of human nature -- or at least SAY isn’t
ready to worry about unexpected externalities yet. Plus, its scope is narrower,
and users’ verified ownership should confer more accountability, helping to
prevent Boaty
McBoatFace outcomes.
Like those social media platforms,
SAY is still tinkering with what context and information to provide users, so
that their vote is an educated one.
Similarly, SAY’s emphasis on
ownership and empowerment has a populist strain.
SAY putting decisions in the hands
of individual investors unleashes a “democratic” power currently stifled by the
existing cumbersome process, Cruttenden says. SAY helps turn them into active
owners, participants in this great capitalist experiment, giving them power that
had been pooling at large investing companies.
“So many more people are owners than
they realize,” he says. “People just want standing. People have been asking for
a microphone, and never expect anyone to give it to them.”
As the app tells users: “You now
have SAY.”
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