Portfolio Manager
Compensation in the U.S. Mutual Fund Industry
Posted by Linlin Ma (Northeastern
University), Yuehua Tang University of Florida), and Juan-Pedro Gomez
(IE University Business School), on Saturday, April 14, 2018
Editor’s Note:
Linlin Ma is Assistant Professor of Finance at Northeastern
University D’Amore-McKim School of Business;
Yuehua Tang is Assistant Professor of Finance at University of
Florida Warrington College of Business; and
Juan-Pedro Gomez is Associate Professor at IE University
Business School in Madrid, Spain. This post is based on their
article, forthcoming in the Journal of Finance. |
According to the Investment Company Institute, about
half of all households in the United States invest in mutual funds, and the
assets managed by them totaled more than $16 trillion at year-end 2016. Given
the importance of mutual funds in the economy, understanding fund managers’
incentives is a key issue for academics, regulators, practitioners, and
individual investors. Due to lack of data on individual fund manager incentives,
the literature has focused primarily on the design of the advisory contracts
between fund investors and investment advisors (i.e., asset management
companies). Little is known about the compensation contracts of the actual
decision makers—individual portfolio managers hired by advisors to manage the
fund portfolio on a daily basis. Our article,
Portfolio Manager Compensation in the U.S. Mutual Fund Industry, attempts to
fill this gap.
In March
2005, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted a new
rule requiring mutual funds to disclose the compensation structure of
their portfolio managers in the Statement of Additional Information (SAI).
For instance, mutual funds need to disclose whether portfolio manager
compensation is fixed or variable, and whether compensation is based
on the fund’s investment performance and/or assets under management (AUM).
For performance-based compensation, funds are required to identify any
benchmark used to measure performance and to state the length of the
period over which performance is measured. In our study, we
hand-collect the information on portfolio manager compensation
structures from the SAIs for a sample of over 4,500 U.S. open-end
mutual funds over the period 2006–2011. We analyze this mandatorily
disclosed information to enhance our understanding of managerial
incentives in the U.S. mutual fund industry and to test the
predictions from models on portfolio delegation and contract design.
What Do
We Find?
How are individual portfolio managers compensated?
First, almost all funds
report that their portfolio managers receive variable bonus-type compensation as
opposed to fixed salary. Second, the bonus component of compensation is
explicitly tied to the fund’s investment performance for 79.0% of sample funds.
The performance evaluation window ranges from one quarter to ten years, and the
average evaluation window is three years. Third, for about half the sample, the
manager’s bonus is directly linked to the overall profitability of the advisor.
Fourth, only 19.6% of sample funds explicitly mention that the advisor considers
the fund’s AUM when deciding manager bonuses. Finally, deferred compensation is
present in almost 30% of the sample funds. These stylized facts contrast with
the evidence on advisory contracts in the U.S., where AUM-based advisory fees
are the predominant structure, and performance-based advisory fee is rarely
About half of the funds
voluntarily release information on the relative weights of potential bonuses
(i.e., maximum bonus opportunity) and base salary. Among the funds that disclose
quantitative information, 35% of them report a bonus/salary ratio higher than
200%; about 70% report a ratio higher than or equal to 100%. For those funds
that disclose qualitative information, about half of the cases claim that the
bonus incentive is greater than base salary, while the other half mention that
the bonus can be a significant part of total compensation.
Why are they compensated this way?
Our unique data allow
us to analyze for the first time the heterogeneity in the design of portfolio
manager compensation in the U.S. mutual fund industry using a rich set of
variables at the advisor, manager, and fund level proposed in the literature.
Overall, our results suggest that portfolio manager compensation contracts are
designed to mitigate agency conflicts in the absence of alternative monitoring
mechanisms, which is broadly consistent with an optimal contracting equilibrium.
In particular, our
determinant analyses test three broad hypotheses. Our first hypothesis states
that performance-based contracts are costly to implement and will emerge as
optimal only when agency conflicts are severe. We find strong and robust support
for this prediction. In particular, performance-based pay is more likely when (i)
the advisor has a more disperse clientele and is arguably more likely to engage
in cross-clientele-subsidization; (ii) the advisor is affiliated to a bank or a
broker-dealer, hence, more prone to take decisions that enhance the value of the
bank or the broker rather than fund performance; or (iii) the portfolio manager
is not the founder or a significant stakeholder of the advisor, that is, in the
absence of the incentive alignment induced by ownership. Second, we find partial
evidence in support of our second hypothesis, which claims that alternative
mechanisms make explicit contract incentives redundant. We find that (i)
investor sophistication, (ii) market discipline via fund flow-performance
relation, and (iii) the threat of dismissal in outsourced funds work as
substitutes for explicit performance-based incentives, but do not find evidence
on the substitution effect for fund ownership by portfolio managers. Third, we
test whether portfolio manager characteristics are related to the design of
compensation contracts. In particular, we do not find evidence on managerial
industry experience, the number of fund managed, or team management having a
significant impact on the likelihood of adopting performance-based pay. However,
consistent with retention purpose, advisors in cities with higher competition
proxied by total city AUM tend to use advisor-profit-based incentives more
Is portfolio manager compensation related to fund
performance and fees?
First, we find little
evidence of future performance difference (gross or net of fees) associated to
any particular compensation arrangement (including performance-based pay) after
controlling for a comprehensive list of advisor, fund, and portfolio manager
variables used in the determinant analysis. This result is again consistent with
an optimal contracting equilibrium. Second, we find that performance-based
contracts are associated with higher fund advisory fees (either in percentage or
dollar value). For funds that operate in an environment with high potential for
agency conflicts, advisors optimally choose to compensate portfolio managers
with explicit performance-based contacts, which are costly and require charging
higher advisory fees. These funds make up for the advisory fee disadvantage by
charging lower marketing and distribution fees. The two effects offset each
other, resulting in no difference in total fund fees for investors across
compensation contracts with and without performance-based pay.
Unlike the advisory
contract, which is mostly based on the fund’s AUM, the majority of compensation
contracts for individual portfolio managers include a bonus explicitly linked to
investment performance. Much of the literature assumes that the compensation
structure of investment advisors and individual portfolio managers coincides.
Our evidence clearly suggests otherwise. In contrast to the tight regulation of
advisory contracts, the SEC places no specific restriction on the compensation
contracts of individual portfolio managers. Our evidence suggests that, in a
less regulated setting, asymmetric, option-like performance-based incentives
exist and constitute the dominant form of compensation for individual portfolio
managers. Our study also provides new insights into the heterogeneity of
portfolio manager compensation contracts. In particular, our analysis suggests
that compensation contracts of portfolio managers are designed to mitigate
agency conflicts in the absence of alternative monitoring mechanisms, which is
consistent with an optimal contracting equilibrium.
The complete article is
available for download here.
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