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The High Point Enterprise (North Carolina), June 13, 2011 article




  The North State Communications complex is seen in downtown High Point. Don Davis Jr. | HPE

The North State Communications complex is seen in downtown High Point.

 Don Davis Jr. | HPE

ONLINE DEBATE: Shareholder group seeks to influence North State’s direction

by Paul Johnson


June 13, 2011


HIGH POINT – As with so many issues in the Internet era, a debate about the future of High Point-based North State Communications is playing out online.

In the fall of last year, a forum website was set up so shareholders of North State could receive and exchange information about the company, direct questions to North State management and offer direction on the 116-year-old communications company. Managed by The Shareholder Forum Inc., the online forum has provided reports and input to North State management.

However, a company executive downplays the input and role of the North State Shareholder Forum.

Company officials recognize that the Shareholder Forum is one method for shareholders to communicate with management, but it’s not North State’s preferred way, said Royster Tucker, president and chief operating officer.

“We don’t perceive it to be the appropriate way. We’ve told shareholders to come to us; we’re very open to talk with you guys,” Tucker said.

The Shareholder Forum doesn’t represent “a reputable way” to communicate with management, Tucker said. The vast majority of North State shareholders, which number in the several hundreds, are pleased with the management and the company’s direction, Tucker said.

The chairman of the Shareholder Forum, who’s based out of New York City, said that the forum is providing a worthwhile service for the company’s shareholders.

“This more open definition of shareholder interests should benefit everyone,” said Shareholder Forum Chairman Gary Lutin. “For example, the company’s executives learned from the forum that shareholders thought it was important for the company to provide more timely annual reports, and the executives won a lot of respect by responding immediately with a 2010 performance report in March instead of waiting until December.”

The creation of the Shareholder Forum for North State takes place against the backdrop of an unsuccessful effort by a shareholder last year to pressure North State into a sale of the company. North State’s management isn’t interested in a change of ownership or buyout, believing that the company is positioned for growth, Tucker said.

“We have adopted a real aggressive path to keep the shareholder value up,” Tucker said. | 888-3528

North State Communications official website:

Shareholder Forum website focusing on North State:



The High Point Enterprise, 210 Church Avenue,
High Point, NC 27262 • 336-888-3500



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