NYSSA Forum Program (1999 - 2001)


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Amazon: May 1, 2001 Letter to Director Candidates

The material copied below had been published on a web site maintained by the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was accessible from a link on a summary page for the Forum Program.







Telephone (212) 605-0335

Facsimile (212) 605-0325


May 1, 2001


By telecopier: 206/266-2901


Mr. Tom A. Alberg

Mr. Jeffrey P. Bezos

Mr. Scott D. Cook

Mr. John L. Doerr

Ms. Patricia Q. Stonesifer

c/o Amazon.com, Inc.

1200 12th Avenue South, Suite 1200

Seattle, Washington 98144-2734


To the members of the board of directors:


                On behalf of the Amazon Forum being conducted by the New York Society of Security Analysts' Committee for Corporate Governance, I invite each of you to provide information which would support investor reliance on your performance if you are reelected to another term as a director of Amazon.com, Inc.  A public meeting of the Forum has been scheduled for 3:00PM on Thursday, May 10th, at the NYSSA conference facility in New York City to consider any responses you wish to present personally or in writing.


                You are encouraged to present any facts or views you consider relevant to your candidacy, or to investor evaluations of Amazon's prospects under your supervision.  However, we specifically request your individual responses to the following issues identified by Forum participants:


1.             Corporate development opportunities:  What have you done, or will you do, to assure effective review of proposed business combinations, and to control the process in a manner which prevents managerial bias?  If history is a guide, Amazon's survival will be decided in the consolidation contests which inevitably follow the bursting bubble phase of every new technology's evolution.  In this context, why did Amazon pursue the recent Borders joint venture, which appears to secure only the burdens of providing marketing support for a rival bookseller, rather than more significant opportunities to assemble key resources?


2.             Process for strategy definition:  What steps have you taken, or will you take, to assure the board's thorough and objective consideration of relevant strategic alternatives?  This issue was previously presented to the board, without response, and has grown in importance since management recently announced plans to change its essential business from being a merchandiser to being a provider of support services.


3.             Board development:  What is your view of the number and range of experience for a board composition which would enable each member's best performance of a director's duties to shareholders?


4.             Executive development:  What have you done, or will you do, to develop the executive management resources required for Amazon's survival as a profitable business enterprise?  Succession planning, the recruitment of a new chief operating officer, and the separation of chief executive and board chairman responsibilities are of particular concern.


5.             Monitoring performance:  On what reports or other information do you rely for monitoring the operations of the company and management's progress toward the achievement of strategy and budget goals?  Specific performance measurements, and their definitions, should be identified.


6.             Financial management:  On what reports or other information do you rely to assure the company's financial viability?  Specifically, what internal management reports of creditor relationships do you receive, and on what information did you rely in your consideration of the recent controversies about supplier credit.  Also, in the context of recent management statements that negative working capital is a company goal, please state your view of this and any related financial policies with citations of the expertise on which you relied.


7.             Management representations:  What have you done, or will you do, to assure the reliability of information provided to investors?  Do you support further clarifications of reporting presentations, such as the recently adopted reconciliations of pro forma and GAAP income?  Have you participated in the process of reviewing and approving press releases, as described by Mr. Grandinetti at the July 11, 2000 Forum meeting, and, if not, do you intend to do so in the future?  Please report what you have done to investigate the reliability of management representations which have been the subject of public controversies, the Forum's previous questions, and recently initiated shareholder litigation.


8.             Compliance and internal controls:  What have you done, or will you do, to assure management compliance with laws and company policies?  Specifically, referring to recent admissions of previously denied SEC investigations, what are the "strict stock trading policies" which management stated had been in effect and what, if any, changes have you supported?


9.             Governance policies:  What, if any, changes in governance policies or practices do you advocate to assure the effective oversight of Amazon shareholder interests?  Please identify the sources of advice and expertise which are available to guide Amazon's board members, as a group and individually, in the conduct of your duties.


10.           Other responsibilities and interests:  Please state your responsibilities with other companies, public or private, and with any non-business organizations, and describe any direct or indirect relationships between those entities and Amazon.  Please also describe any other direct or indirect interests you have in companies or organizations with which Amazon has a relationship of any kind.


                Please let me know if you have any questions about these information requests, or about arrangements for presenting your responses.


Very truly yours,


Gary Lutin


cc:           Mr. Peter F. Brennan



Material dated between January 1999 and July 2001 was originally published on the web site of the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was provided by Gary Lutin as co-sponsor of a "Forum Program" conducted for public educational purposes with NYSSA's Committee for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights during that period. Material dated after July 2001 was not published by the NYSSA unless specifically indicated.

For additional information, send an inquiry to admin@shareholderforum.com.