NYSSA Forum Program (1999 - 2001)


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NYSSA Forum Program

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Chesapeake-Shorewood: Conditions of Participation

   The material copied below had been published on a web site maintained by the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was accessible from a link on a summary page for the Forum Program.




NYSSA Corporate Governance Forum   




                As a not-for-profit educational organization established to serve investment decision-makers, the New York Society of Security Analysts is in a unique position to provide a fair and open forum for the corporate governance issues which concern shareholders of Chesapeake Corporation and Shorewood Packaging Corporation.  The following conditions are intended to assure both companies, their shareholders, and the volunteers who contribute their professional work, as well as observers, that the NYSSA's Committee for Corporate Governance will conduct the Chesapeake-Shorewood Forum in a manner to encourage constructive presentations of relevant and potentially differing views:


Participation of NYSSA volunteers: Members of the NYSSA and affiliated analyst societies may participate as volunteers, either individually or in work groups, (1) to present questions for representatives of the companies or for other participants, and (2) to submit comments, analyses, or opinions.  The Committee will define procedures for the conduct of volunteer activities consistent with the NYSSA's educational purpose.  As a condition of participation, volunteers must agree not to use the Forum to recommend or encourage actions by company shareholders, or to influence company management.  Individuals with any relationship to the companies will not be eligible to participate as volunteers.


Participation of company representatives: Chesapeake and Shorewood may designate one or more representatives to participate in the Forum and communicate with the Committee.  All existing and proposed directors of each company will also be considered company representatives for purposes of participation in the Forum.


Other participants: The Committee may invite participation in the Forum by others, including company shareholders, proponents of proposals to be considered by shareholders, and individuals with relevant expertise.


March 7, 2000 Forum meeting: A Forum meeting will be held commencing at 12:30PM on Tuesday, March 7, 2000, at the facilities of the NYSSA in New York.  Open to the public and the press and moderated by the Forum's adviser, the meeting will provide participants an opportunity to present as well as hear relevant views.  (Information about attendance of the meeting and its preceding luncheon, or about arrangements for remote electronic participation, may be obtained from NYSSA at 212/912-9249 or <www.nyssa.org>.)


Written presentations: Any written material a participant intends to present at the public Forum meeting must be submitted in advance to the Chairman of the NYSSA's Committee for Corporate Governance or his designated Forum administrator.  The advance submissions should include three printed copies and an electronic version of the material, and the participant should also provide additional copies of the presentation material for distribution at the meeting.  Any material submitted less than three business days before the meeting must be accompanied by a signed statement that the responsible person intends public distribution of the material at the Forum meeting and has complied with all applicable SEC regulations relating to the presentation.  By presenting written material at the Forum meeting, a participant will acknowledge an intent to publicly distribute the material and a consent to any publication or SEC filing of the material by anyone associated with the Forum.


Written comments: Participants in the Forum may submit written comments on any of the written or verbal Forum meeting presentations of other participants, or on any proposals or statements filed with the SEC.  These comments may address any aspect of a presentation or SEC filing and may take any form, including informal reactions, simple statements of agreement or disagreement, critiques, opinion surveys, methodology evaluations, or alternative analyses.  The comments must be submitted to the Chairman of the NYSSA's Committee for Corporate Governance or his designated Forum administrator within one week of the Forum meeting and should include three printed copies and an electronic version of the material, with a statement that the person responsible consents to the publication or SEC filing of the presentation by anyone associated with the Forum.


Confidentiality: To the extent that any information is not public and is obtained in the course of participating in the Forum, participants shall agree to treat the information as confidential.  NYSSA volunteers and anyone else involved in the preparation or review of material to be published shall agree as a condition of participation in the Forum not to disclose any information about confidential material prior to its public release.


NYSSA responsibility: The NYSSA is responsible only for providing a fair and open forum for the views of all participants.  In providing the forum and making the participants' views available to the public, the NYSSA will assume no responsibility for the information or opinions presented by participants, and will not endorse any side of an issue.



February 25, 2000 (REVISED)

Peter F. Brennan, Chairman, NYSSA Committee for Corporate Governance

                (c/o MidCap Investors LLC, 50 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004; 212/668-3033)

Gary Lutin, Forum adviser and co-sponsor

                (c/o Lutin & Company, 575 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022; 212/605-0335)



Material dated between January 1999 and July 2001 was originally published on the web site of the New York Society of Security Analysts ("NYSSA"), and was provided by Gary Lutin as co-sponsor of a "Forum Program" conducted for public educational purposes with NYSSA's Committee for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights during that period. Material dated after July 2001 was not published by the NYSSA unless specifically indicated.

For additional information, send an inquiry to admin@shareholderforum.com.