The Shareholder Forum™
The Shareholder Forum provides all decision-makers –
from the
ultimate owners of capital to the corporate managers who use their
capital, and all of the professionals in between
– with reliably
effective access to the information and views participants consider
relevant to their respective responsibilities for the common objective
of using capital to produce goods and services.
Having pioneered what became
the widespread practice of "corporate access" events over two decades
ago, the Forum continues to refine its "Direct
Access" practices to assure effective support of marketplace
Access Policies
To provide the required investor access without regulatory constraints,
the Forum developed policies and practices allowing it to function as an
SEC-defined independent moderator. We also adopted well-established
publishing standards to assure essential participant privacy and
communication rights.
These carefully defined and thoroughly tested
Forum policies are the foundation of our unique marketplace resource
for clearly fair access to information and exchanges of views.
We have been doing this for more than two decades. The Forum programs
were initiated in 1999 by the CFA
Society New York (at the time known as the New York Society of
Security Analysts) with lead investor and former corporate investment
Gary Lutin as guest chairman to address the professional interests
of the Society’s members.
Independently supported by Mr. Lutin since 2001, the Forum’s public
programs – often in collaboration with the CFA Society as well as with
other educational institutions such as the Columbia Schools of Business
and Journalism, the Yale School of Management and The Conference Board –
have achieved wide recognition for their effective definition of both
company-specific and marketplace issues, followed by an orderly exchange
of the information and views needed to resolve them.
The Forum's ability to convene all key decision-making constituencies
and influence leaders has been applied to subjects ranging from
corporate control contests
to the establishment of consensus marketplace
standards for fair disclosure,
and has been relied upon by virtually every major U.S. fund manager and
the many other investors who have participated in programs that
addressed their interests.
The Forum welcomes suggestions for its continuing support of fair access
to the information needed by both shareholders and corporate managers.
Responding to the recent increases in investor engagement and activism,
we have established a strong policy commitment to supporting corporate
managers who wish to provide the leadership expected of them by assuring
orderly reviews of issues. We will of course also continue to welcome
the initiation of company-specific programs by shareholders concerned
with the use of their capital to produce goods and services, and we
naturally remain committed to addressing general marketplace interests
in collaboration with educational institutions and publishers. |
| |
other reports and legal views relating to new processes and technology
applications for shareholder
communications, see
Note: Margaret M. ("Peggy") Foran, the
Pfizer senior vice president and corporate secretary responsible for the
pioneering shareholder communications reported below, is a member of the
Shareholder Forum's Steering Committee and its
Review Board, and has served on the guiding panels of Forum public
programs including the subsequent project that established marketplace
standards for Electronic
Participation in Shareholder Meetings.
Corporate Secretary, April 2008 article
Apr, 2008
The lost art of communication
• Pfizer directors hold seminal face-to-face meeting with shareholders
• Retail and small investors worry about not being included
• Other companies move in similar direction, shareholders wary of losing
passive status
• Companies carefully craft guest list, concerned shareholders lack company
• Working groups and roadshows foster discussion on shareholder involvement
EIizabeth Judd
Last summer, when Pfizer
announced that its directors would meet ‘face-to-face’ with
representatives of the pharmaceutical giant’s largest shareholders to
discuss executive compensation and other board performance issues, the
governance community sat up and took note. Many praised Pfizer for its
openness, a few groused that the invitation-only event left retail and
small investors in the cold, and Martin Lipton, co-founder of Wachtell,
Lipton, Rosen & Katz, sent his clients a now famous memo calling this
‘another example of corporate governance run amok.’
Although private meetings among executives, directors and shareholders
have taken place with greater frequency over the past five years,
semi-public forums like the one Pfizer initiated are rare. Pfizer’s
historic October 24 meeting wasn’t, however, the first of its kind.
Kenneth Langone, Home Depot’s co-founder and chairman of the nominating
and corporate governance committees of the board, invited shareholders and
other guests to participate in a ‘town hall’ in September 2007. Meanwhile,
companies facing stock options backdating and other governance-related
problems, like UnitedHealth Group and Comverse Technology, have invited
shareholders to sit on advisory groups with board members.
The trend for more open communication, probably involving face-to-face
meetings, between shareholders and board members will likely continue.
Rich Ferlauto, director, corporate governance and pension investment for
the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, or
AFSCME, says that he’s in discussion with a number of fairly large and
well-known companies about holding similar events in the near future.
Meanwhile, Roger Raber, former CEO and president of the National
Association of Corporate Directors, observes that enormous progress has
been made in shareholder/board relations. Over the past five years, he’s
found that directors have become increasingly interested in finding ways
to regularly interact with investors. ‘We’ve made a real quantum leap,’
enthuses Raber.
Pfizer welcomes open dialogue
Pfizer’s October meeting lasted a full day, says senior vice president,
corporate governance, associate general counsel and corporate secretary,
Peggy Foran, and directors ‘participated in a listening role since their
primary objective is to grasp what is on the minds of investors.’ Foran
clearly considers the exercise a success: ‘The objective of the meeting
was achieved: candid, private and open dialogue with shareholders.’
Although Foran anticipates that similar meetings will occur, no future
dates had been set at the time of writing this article.
TIAA-CREF, which was present at the Pfizer meeting, praised the effort,
noting Pfizer’s bravery in being one of the first companies to go down
this route. Although the identities of shareholder participants were
confidential, Hye-Won Choi, TIAA-CREF’s new head of corporate governance,
notes that portfolio managers, governance professionals and lawyers from
Pfizer’s largest institutional shareholders were all represented. ‘Though
we had not met before the meeting,’ says Choi, ‘what struck us was that we
spoke with one voice about the major issues such as compensation based on
performance and managing for the long term.’
Even some shareholders and opinion-makers who weren’t invited – like
Ferlauto – applaud Pfizer for taking this step. He points out that this
type of meeting has historically been avoided either because companies
plead a lack of resources (executives and board members are overtaxed) or
because of a general fear of the unknown. The latter is what Ferlauto
calls ‘the Marty Lipton view – we just can’t let the barbarians through
the gate.’
Stephen Davis, a fellow at Yale University’s Millstein Center for
Corporate Governance and Performance, describes the Pfizer meeting as ‘a
highly effective experiment in how to bring boards and shareholders into
closer alignment.’ Although Davis was not present at the actual meeting,
he has since spoken with many of the principals who were in attendance,
and is in the process of producing a policy briefing due out in June on
how boards and shareholders might find better ways to communicate.
‘In most of corporate America, boards and shareholders don’t talk to each
other very often. Shareholders often think boards are on a tangent and not
looking out for the investors, whereas boards think shareholders have
horns and have no earthly idea how to run a company.’ He continues: ‘To
have a face-to-face, high-level encounter turns out to do wonders for
dispelling these myths.’
Legal hurdles
In November 2006, UnitedHealth created a shareholder nominating advisory
group, after an independent investigation into the company’s stock options
granting practices spurred the company to bring on five new board members
within three years.
The five-member shareholder nominating advisory group consists of four
shareholders and one representative of the medical committee, explains
Dannette Smith, corporate secretary at UnitedHealth. So far, three
meetings have been held, with another planned for early 2008. The meetings
are attended by the chairman of the board, the CEO, Smith, the chairs of
the nominating and corporate governance committees, the chief legal
officer and an outside search firm assisting the board with identifying
new directors.
Before shareholders signed on to participate, many legal matters had to be
resolved, says Smith. First off, shareholders didn’t want to be seen as
acting in concert because they might be deemed to beneficially own each
other’s shares, and they didn’t want to lose their passive investor status
under regulation 13-G. What’s more, they needed assurance that they
weren’t taking on any fiduciary duties by participating in the nominating
process. Smith says that these concerns were addressed in the formal
description of the group, which is posted on the corporate governance
section of the company’s website.
More daunting, still, were the Regulation FD concerns. Here, says Smith,
‘We told them we have the affirmative obligation to make sure that we
don’t give you any material, non-public information.’ Topics on the agenda
are carefully reviewed and tend to be strategic so they don’t veer into
Reg FD terrain. ‘You end up erring on the side of caution,’ says Smith.
‘If there’s a question mark, you don’t have the discussion go that way.’
Ferlauto believes that Reg FD issues are manageable because shareholders
‘want the focus of these meetings to be on director effectiveness, which
is not material to a particular look at financial performance,’ he says.
Investment banker Gary Lutin, who created the Shareholder Forum program to
foster greater shareholder/company engagement on thorny issues, also
believes Reg FD need not present an impediment to shareholder/director
communication. ‘The only thing directors can report is their personal
opinion, and wisdom would suggest they don’t do that,’ he says. ‘Really,
you can’t expect a director to do anything other than listen to you.’ And
listening doesn’t violate Reg FD.
Who listens and who talks?
Even though companies and shareholders are more open to the idea of frank
discussion, there are many hurdles outside the legal and regulatory
arenas. Semi-open meetings with shareholders raise fairness issues, and
that’s where tempers tend to flare. Who’s invited and who’s not, who
speaks and who listens, and even who does the inviting and when the
meeting is scheduled can become highly controversial matters.
Last year, Langone invited ‘fellow shareholders’ to meet with members of
the company’s nominating and corporate governance committees. The event,
held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York on September 21, 2007, was
billed as a discussion ‘of our director nominating process and
considerations we use for identifying, interviewing and selecting new
board members.’ The invitation specified that the format would be ‘an open
town hall.’
The first bone of contention was the invitation process. Ferlauto says
that after several meetings with Langone in which the possibility of such
a meeting was raised, the date and time were decided upon without
consulting the key constituents. As a result of this process, Ferlauto
couldn’t attend and instead had to send a representative.
‘From what I gather, that meeting was not a give-and-take discussion.
Langone talked, [others listened]’ explains Ferlauto. That said, he did
laud Home Depot for its willingness to meet personally with shareholders.
‘The town hall meeting came out of shareholder efforts post-Nardelli and
some direct discussions with the board about ways of improving shareholder
communications,’ says Ferlauto. ‘Although the meeting itself wasn’t
satisfactory, it emanated from direct discussions with shareholders [and
the intent was right].’
According to one attendee at the Home Depot town hall, who declined to be
named, ‘It seemed to be a bunch of softball questions from sell-side
analysts who had been personally invited by Langone.’ The attendee
lamented the lack of real dialogue and said that Langone and the other
directors mainly spoke, repeatedly exhorting the audience: ‘Trust me,
trust me.’
A spokesman for Langone declined to comment beyond pointing out that
Langone is ‘one of the single largest shareholders of Home Depot, and as a
co-founder of the company, he has a strong vested interest in Home Depot’s
Inevitably, the guest lists for shareholder/board events generate some
buzz – and size is one objective cut-off. According to 13-Fs for the third
quarter of 2007, Pfizer’s five largest investors were Barclay’s Global
Investors, Axa, State Street, Vanguard and Franklin Resources. Lutin
calculates that Pfizer’s top ten investors for the third quarter of 2007
accounted for 25.4 percent of outstanding shares. He also notes that the
13-Fs list 1,369 institutions investing in Pfizer in total.
How a company crafts its guest list reflects its aims. ‘If you’re
interested in pure voting results, getting your top 25 together is the
smart way to do it,’ says Lutin. ‘If you’re interested in [getting a
broader] range of views, it’s not. Inviting only the largest investors
cuts out the AFSCME public pension coalition and those with concentrated
portfolios who really pay attention.’ He continues: ‘Think of the hedge
fund or the individual who’s got half his life savings invested and
doesn’t have a chance to express his views.’
A proliferation of communication models
Holly Gregory, a partner specializing in corporate governance at Weil
Gotshal, believes that last year’s ‘say on pay’ debate gave rise to a
consideration of greater board/shareholder engagement. Rather than simply
having a binary yes or no vote on something as nuanced as executive
compensation, some companies saw the benefits of eliciting shareholders’
views. ‘In the UK, where they have say on pay, it’s led to more discussion
between boards and shareholders,’ she says. ‘Some boards have said, Let’s
skip the advisory vote and go straight to the thoughtful discussion.’
Last year, after Aflac voluntarily embraced say on pay, Foran, Ferlauto
and Timothy Smith, a senior vice president at Walden Asset Management,
assembled a working group dedicated to discussing this issue; companies
like Intel, Tyco, Schering-Plough, American International Group (AIG),
Colgate-Palmolive and Bristol-Myers Squibb also participated.
Although Ferlauto acknowledges that the working group wasn’t exactly a
shareholder/board meeting, he calls it an example of the ‘different kinds
of conversations’ taking place on governance issues today. ‘The next
logical step emanating out of this working group is to establish dialogue
directly with compensation committees,’ he says.
Another model for more open dialogue is Lutin’s Shareholder Forums. Since
1999, Lutin has put together forums where issues are aired and a range of
opinions freely expressed. So far, he’s tackled topics like executive
compensation at Verizon and analyst access to information at Amazon, a
timely conversation that contributed to the Reg FD movement and the
reconciling of pro forma numbers with US GAAP.
Yet another offshoot of greater shareholder/company engagement are
corporate governance roadshows, something that Pfizer and other companies
have started to arrange. Davis supports this idea, noting it’s a useful
way to learn about shareholder discontents that might someday erupt into
contentious resolutions if they’re not satisfactorily resolved.
Since 2002, Nexen, based in Calgary, Canada, has held a week-long
corporate governance roadshow, observes Sylvia Groves, assistant secretary
and manager of the governance office. ‘The most valuable part of the
roadshow is the relationship-building that goes on,’ says Groves. When
Nexen had a problem after some audit committee members went outside
independent listing requirements, Groves felt comfortable calling the NYSE
to discuss the situation. ‘We don’t want to be the company that phones the
law firm, and then the law firm phones the stock exchange on a no-names
basis,’ she says.
Paul Schneider, research director for the Canadian Coalition for Good
Governance, praises the corporate roadshow concept as ‘an opportunity to
talk about more philosophical issues.’ He points out that Nexen’s
initiatives have been proactive, noting that too often ‘companies only do
these kinds of things when they’re trying to right the ship, so to speak.’
What lies ahead?
Companies and shareholders alike seem cautiously optimistic about changing
their historic relationship – for the better. ‘I think we’re moving into a
new era,’ says Gregory. ‘Both boards and shareholders are more receptive
than ever before to having some level of real engagement.’ Now that
activist shareholders have been successful in pushing a reform agenda, she
points out ‘there really is interest in lessening tensions and finding
more cooperative modes of communication. Some managements and boards are
interested in reaching out to the largest shareholders and saying, Let’s
sit down and talk.’
Ferlauto agrees. He notes that even before the first formal public
meetings of 2007, groups of shareholders and directors regularly met in
private to discuss issues of concern, running the gamut from director
nominations to compensation issues.
In a perfect world, Ferlauto would like to see meetings, once or twice a
year, with the chairs of key board committees and shareholders. Ideally,
he’d also want ‘an unstructured agenda where any party could raise issues
they want to ask.’
New relationships take time, though, and Ferlauto welcomes everything from
directors holding town halls to the semi-open meeting held by Pfizer. ‘The
next generation of corporate governance will really be about the types of
shareholder communications that get established,’ he concludes. ‘The
relationships between shareholders and the board really let shareholders
understand and have some ability to evaluate the job that the board is
Foran also sees this type of communication as the way forward, saying: ‘I
believe this was one of the single most useful information gathering
exercises we have ever conducted. It is easy to find a lot of reasons not
to conduct this type of face-to-face meeting, and Reg FD is certainly one
of those, but in the end there are more good reasons to do it. The
opportunity for shareholders to see first hand that directors are well
informed and actively involved is invaluable. We plan to conduct more of
this style of meeting in the future.’
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