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independent review of issues relating to

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Walgreen Co.

for shareholder consideration in decisions about a

proposed merger into

Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.




Forum distribution:

Sudden retirement of CEO raises questions two weeks after proxy statement for merger vote


For the company's announcement of the development reported below, see


Source: Fortune, December 10, 2014 article

Walgreen CEO to leave after Alliance Boots deal in reversal of plan

by Phil Wahba       @philwahba       December 10, 2014, 6:02 PM EST


Photo: Mike McGregor

Walgreen’s controversial CEO Greg Wasson reversed course and won’t stay on as the head of the company after it merges with Alliance Boots.

Walgreen (WAG) CEO Greg Wasson will leave the drugstore chain after its proposed merger with European peer Alliance Boots closes, in a complete reversal of the company’s earlier plan in August that called for Wasson to lead the combined company.

Walgreen’s chairman, former McDonald’s (MCD) CEO Jim Skinner, will serve as executive chairman of Walgreens Boots Alliance, while Stefano Pessina, executive chairman of Alliance Boots, will be its acting CEO while the board looks for a successor for Wasson. Shareholders will vote on the deal Dec. 29.

A Walgreen spokesman declined to comment on the reversal in plans beyond the press release, only echoing Wasson’s statement that now was the right time to pass on leadership responsibilities.

“When I became CEO six years ago, I had three goals—to transform the front end of Walgreens drugstores, to advance the role that community pharmacy plays in health care and to find the right partner to take Walgreens global,” Wasson said. “With the creation of Walgreens Boots Alliance, it is now time for new leadership.”

Wasson has repeatedly found himself in the center of controversy recently. He came under heavy criticism over the summer when he admitted he was considering structuring the Alliance Boots deal as an “inversion,” which would lower its taxes by changing its domicile to Switzerland. Walgreen ultimately decided against an inversion amid questions about Walgreen’s patriotism.

Wasson and Walgreen were also hit in October with a lawsuit by former chief financial officer Wade Miquelon, Wasson’s one-time right hand man, who claimed Wasson and a Walgreen director defamed him in meetings with large shareholders. That was part of a saga that was chronicled in a Wall Street Journal story alleging a bad forecast of generic drug prices led to an unexpected reduction in the company’s profit target. Walgreen responded in a court motion that Miquelon was responsible for the disappointing forecast.

Before that, in 2011, Wasson picked a fight with pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts Holdings (ESRX) over contract terms that proved costly and led to Walgreen not filling prescriptions for Express Scripts members for nearly 9 months, costing Walgreen billions in sales as millions of customers went elsewhere to CVS (CVS) or Rite Aid (RAD) to fill prescriptions. It took the company a long time to recover, as many customers never returned. More recently the company has faced chronic shopper traffic problems.

He also had enormous success on many fronts. Wasson, who started at Walgreen in 1980 as a pharmacy intern and made his way to the corner office in 2009, is credited with landing the Alliance Boots deal, aimed at giving Walgreen a foothold in international retail when the U.S. drugstore landscape is getting saturated. He also oversaw Walgreen’s acquisition of the New York-based Duane Reade drugstore chain in 2010. On his watch, Walgreen has modernized how its stores look and their food assortment. Sales rose from $63 billion to $76 billion.

Walgreen shareholders will vote on Dec. 29 on whether Walgreen should buy the 55% of Alliance Boots it doesn’t already own (it took a 45% stake in 2012, with the option to buy the rest within the following three years.) The company has said it expects to close the controversial deal in the first quarter of 2015.

CtW Investment, a representative of union pension funds with a 0.3% stake (2.5 million shares) in Walgreen, is adamantly opposed to the Alliance Boots deal and has sought to derail it. Dieter Waizenegger, Executive Director of the CtW Investment Group, called for the postponement of the shareholder vote, saying shareholders have “no clear sense of who will be running” the merged company after Wasson’s news.



This program is open to all shareholders of Walgreen Co. (WAG) and to any fiduciaries or professionals concerned with their investment decisions. Participation is free of charge, according to the Shareholder Forum's standard Conditions of Participation.

The purpose of the program is to define issues relevant to long term shareholder interests in the proposed merger of Walgreen Co. into Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., and to support an impartial review and access to information required for investor consideration of the issues. As stated in the Conditions, all Forum participants are expected to make independent use of information obtained through the Forum, subject to the privacy rights of other participants. Forum polices are intended to support anonymous communication, and provide that participants will not be identified or quoted without their explicit permission.

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Shareholder Forum™ is a trademark owned by The Shareholder Forum, Inc., for the programs conducted since 1999 to support investor access to decision-making information. It should be noted that we have no responsibility for the services that Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., introduced for review in the Forum's 2010 "E-Meetings" program and has since been offering with the “Shareholder Forum” name, and we have asked Broadridge to use a different name that does not suggest our support or endorsement.