Bloomberg, July 8, 2024, Matt Levine commentary: "Empty voting" [Alternatives for controlling stockholder votes without economic ownership interest in company stock]

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Alternatives for controlling stockholder votes without economic ownership interest in company stock


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Source: Bloomberg, July 8, 2024, commentary 




Matt Levine,

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Empty voting

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July 8, 2024 at 2:28 PM EDT


Matt Levine is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. A former investment banker at Goldman Sachs, he was a mergers and acquisitions lawyer at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; a clerk for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit; and an editor of Dealbreaker.


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Empty voting

We have talked occasionally about a company called the Shareholder Vote Exchange, which briefly offered retail shareholders the opportunity to sell their shareholder votes. The idea was that retail shareholders tend not to vote their stock, and if you could set up a system where somebody (an activist shareholder running a proxy fight, or a company trying to fend off the activist) could pay them like 25 cents per share for their votes, then (1) that’s found money for the retail holders and (2) maybe it makes proxy fights more competitive, or more efficient, or something.

This struck me as more of a fun thought experiment than a real business, and in fact SVE shut down in April after a pretty brief run. Meanwhile in the real world, institutional investors do have ways of buying. The dynamic is, roughly:

  • Some people — activists and management in proxy fights and hostile takeovers — care quite a lot about votes.

  • Other people — index funds, for instance — maybe don’t.

  • The stock lending market is where they meet to exchange cash for votes.

That is, intuitively, the stock lending market lets active investors borrow stock from people (mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, retail investors with margin accounts, etc.) who own it. The owners keep the economic ownership of the stock (if the stock goes up or down, they make or lose money), but, while they have loaned out the stock, they can’t vote it. The borrowers pay the owners a fee to borrow the stock.

You can use this to pay for votes. Conceptually, there are several economically equivalent ways to do this:

  1. The simplest form is that you borrow the shares from their owners, pay a lending fee, hold the shares, vote them, and then return them to the lenders.2

  2. More plausibly, you could “short against the box”: You buy shares, and you also borrow shares and sell them short. Buy 10 million shares (and get their votes), and at the same time borrow and short 10 million shares to hedge. You have no economic position, but you have 10 million votes.

  3. You could do the same thing with derivatives: Buy 10 million shares (and get the votes), then enter into a swap where you short 10 million shares to hedge. (And then your swap counterparty, a big bank, presumably borrows and shorts shares to hedge the swap.)

In the first example, you neither buy nor sell shares, so you are flat, but you borrow the votes. In the second example, you both buy and sell shares, so you are flat, but you get the votes from the shares you buy. In the third example, you buy shares for cash and short them synthetically. They all come to the same place: You own no shares economically, but you get to vote them.

I am not sure that this actually happens a whole lot. When we first talked about SVE, I wrote:

My impression is that US activist hedge funds are more likely to do the opposite, acquiring economic exposure to more shares than they actually own. … If you are going to spend money on research and lawyers and proxy fights to do an activist campaign, you want a lot of economic exposure, not just a lot of votes.

Still there is no particular reason to think it is impossible, particularly if buying the votes is cheap. A hedge fund called Politan Capital Management has been having a complicated activist proxy fight with a company called Masimo Corp., and its latest filing features a letter alleging “empty voting”:

We have observed that a brokerage firm associated with an investor who is a friend of [Masimo Chairman Joe] Kiani voted a major position – approximately 9.9 percent of the company’s outstanding stock – in favor of the company’s nominees. The number of shares voted at this brokerage firm exceeded the shares publicly reported to be owned by this investor by several multiples. That excess amount was accumulated at the brokerage in the period running up to the record date and then disposed of out of the same brokerage right after the record date. These share movements corresponded almost exactly with movements in and out of brokerages associated with firms that lend shares in the market. Further, in the same period of these share movements, the short interest in Masimo stock increased by similar amounts.

Upon reviewing this data, which was first made available to us on Monday, July 1, we believe it is likely that this investor has engaged in a pattern of trading that is known as “record date capture” and “empty voting” that provides the investor the ability to vote shares of which they do not have economic exposure. This trading strategy involves purchasing shares to be able to hold them on the record date and therefore be entitled to vote them, while simultaneously borrowing and shorting an equivalent number of offsetting shares in order to eliminate economic exposure to the stock. In these instances, the position is closed shortly after the record date, once the right to vote has been secured. Empty voting at this scale threatens to distort corporate democracy at Masimo, as a stockholder whose votes are divorced from their economic interests may not vote in a manner that is in the best interests of the company and all its stockholders.

This is a thing that academics, and people involved in proxy fights, like to complain about, but it does not actually seem to be a requirement of US shareholder voting that your economic interest match your voting rights.3 If people are willing to lend you their stock so you can vote it, I think you can just do that?

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2.     This is sometimes called “record date capture,” and it strikes me as odd; my impression is that US stock borrow desks will lend you shares to short but not to vote. I am not sure I have heard of it happening in the US. (The paper I link to in this footnote cites a UK example.) In any case the other two examples are clearly feasible in the US and roughly equivalent to the simple form. View in article


3.     Ask Shari Redstone. View in article

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To contact the author of this story:
Matt Levine at

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