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Note:  C. William Jones and Cornish F. Hitchcock, respectively the president of the retiree association that presented the shareholder proposal addressed in the editorial below and the attorney representing the association in relation to the proposal, are members of the Forum's Advisory Panel.

For additional information about the Forum's project relating to proposed U.S. adaptations of advisory voting on executive compensation policies, see

Advisory Voting


New York Times, May 26, 2007 editorial


The New York Times

Executive Pay: Proxy Season

The New York Times spotlights the one season a year when shareholders can express their opinions on management.

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May 26, 2007

A Say on Executive Pay

Executives have always been paid at the top of the corporate scale, but as the gap between them and average workers widens into a chasm, more people have begun to ask how much is too much.

Shareholders of Verizon Communications recently passed a measure that would give them an advisory vote on compensation packages for top executives. Shareholders at roughly 20 companies have pushed such say-on-pay proposals. And Congress appears ready to act if companies don’t. The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would give nonbinding votes on pay to all shareholders, like those that Britain and Australia already have.

The board of directors at Verizon could ignore the vote if it chose to; shareholders elect board members to make policy, after all. But they would be wise to listen. Ignoring this message would likely give impetus to the legislation in Congress, which is not the place to set corporate salaries, or prompt shareholders to return with a binding proposal. And at a growing number of companies where directors need a majority of votes to remain on the board, there is always the risk of being shown the door.

Many factors are driving compensation upward, including the frantic hunt for talent accelerated by increasingly rapid turnover of chief executives. Most investors are less concerned with absolute pay levels than the sense that raises, bonuses and stock grants arrive as a matter of course rather than as a reward for success.

The real value of say-on-pay is not to slash executive salaries as a matter of principle, but to force corporate boards and their compensation committees to better explain their decisions. That explanation should include the extent of financial relationships with the consultants making recommendations on executive pay.

The post-Enron reforms forced boards to eliminate conflicts of interest among auditors, investment bankers and others. But little was done to address conflicts of interest among pay consultants who may have other lucrative contracts with the same companies — and strong incentives to please the top executives. Those conflicts of interest fuel the irrational rise in compensation — and the growing discontent among investors.


Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company




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This Forum program has been organized with the support of Hermes Equity Ownership Services, Ltd.  It is the first in an expected series that will be managed by a not-for-profit “Institute” to be established for the purpose of continuing the Forum programs conducted by Gary Lutin.

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All material on this web site is published by Gary Lutin, who is responsible for conducting the Forum.