April 23,
2014 5:56 pm
Shareholder activism: Battle for the
By Stephen Foley
Fearless investor advocates or opportunists? The legal landscape is shifting
in their favour

Martin Lipton, the Wall Street attorney behind the
poison pill, left, and Paul Roth, known as the 'dean of the hedge fund
bar' |
For most of his long career as a Wall Street attorney, Martin Lipton has
been the man to call when companies find themselves under attack. He is a
master tactician, famed for his ability to outfox the wiliest corporate
raider or hostile bidder.
Now in the sixth decade of his career, the takeover defence attorney is
fighting as hard as ever. Yet despite his efforts, today’s activist hedge
fund managers are having great success in forcing their demands on reluctant
The battles do not always go the hedge funds’ way, as
Dan Loeb has found at
Sony and
Carl Icahn
has learnt at Apple and eBay. But look deeper, to the battles behind the
battles, and it is clear that Mr Lipton and his supporters are on the back
The intellectual winds have shifted after a decade bookended by the Enron
fraud and the financial crisis and characterised by a drip of revelations on
boardroom pay and perks. Institutional investors have been persuaded that
company management has no monopoly on wisdom and that boards meant to
oversee them might themselves be in need of oversight. “I’m in a minority,
yes, but I wouldn’t say that I was beleaguered,” Mr Lipton says with a note
of defiance.
More hedge funds today are styling themselves as activists and they are
notching up significant victories. Their demands can vary widely, from the
sale of a company to share buybacks to an operational shake-up. They may
apply their pressure in private, as Jeff Ubben’s ValueAct did to ease out
Steve Ballmer as chief executive at
Microsoft. Or
they may do so in public, as in
Nelson Peltz’s campaign
to make
PepsiCo split
off its snacks business. But they have in common a belief in their analysis
and a determination to force change, even if it means storming their way on
to corporate boards.
Success has attracted more money to the sector. Assets sit at a record
$74.2bn, according to eVestment – and with Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square
teaming up with a hostile bidder for Botox maker
Allergan this
week, the activists’ ambitions are growing.
The legal, regulatory and intellectual skirmishes taking place behind the
scenes are setting the new rules which are shifting the odds in favour of
the activists and away from the corporations.
There are a half dozen or more of these fights raging. At issue are the
acceptable use of poison pills, changes to corporate voting rules and the
arcana of company bylaws, the role and power of proxy advisers and what
hedge funds must disclose about their stakebuilding – and when.
“I’m still prepared to do the best I can to make sure that the playing field
is level,” Mr Lipton says. “We’re not asking for protection; we’re asking
for a level playing field.”
In this debate, the playing field that is level to one man is uneven to
another. “The first wave of attacks on activism focused on convincing
shareholders that active shareholder engagement was somehow bad for them,”
says Barry Rosenstein of Jana Partners, which has taken on managements at
McGraw Hill
Agrium, among
others. “Having failed at that, defenders of underperforming boards have
launched a second wave focused on rule changes and technical defences. In
the long run I doubt this will be any more successful.”
These campaigns are sometimes fought with the fervour of a crusade. On one
side are those, like Mr Lipton, who believe activists are exacerbating the
markets’ tendency to focus on the short term.
“Virtually every activist attack involves reduction in assets, reduction in
invested capital, reduction in R&D, reduction in future capex and, most
significant for the economy, reduction in employment,” says Mr Lipton. “Is
it good, appropriate national policy to permit Carl Icahn to scream at one
company after another to try and get them to do something that will create
profits for Carl Icahn?”
On the other side, activists’ supporters say a company’s owners need to be
engaged for capitalism to work efficiently. The activists add that they have
longer-term horizons than traditional fund managers who are obsessed with
quarterly performance.
What Mr Lipton is to corporate defence work, Paul Roth is to the activists.
Known as the “dean of the hedge fund bar”, Mr Roth says activists tend to
show up for a reason – and with a plan.
“Companies that are doing poorly are the ones that tend to get targeted,”
says Mr Roth. “A well thought out business plan for a company that has
become somewhat entrenched in its thinking can result in all shareholders
over time becoming substantially enriched.”
Both sides profess to want a dialogue of ideas. But how sensitive directors
are to shareholder opinion can depend on how easy it is for shareholders to
vote them out if the board stands in their way. For this reason, activists
and the largest institutional shareholders have joined forces to fight for
better tools to unseat directors.
In this, the Securities and Exchange Commission tried but failed to help. It
proposed in 2010 that dissident shareholders be allowed to place their own
nominees on the ballot for board elections. But the US Chamber of Commerce
and the Business Roundtable mounted a successful legal challenge. Fights for
proxy access are instead sporadic, company by company.
Calpers, the California state pension fund, has also been putting
resolutions to annual meetings demanding boards institute majority voting
for elections so that unopposed directors must win at least half the vote to
secure their place. While 84 per cent of S&P 500 companies now have majority
voting, the number is well below half among smaller companies.
“Suffrage is being fought for in the land of the free and the home of the
brave,” says Anne Simpson, head of corporate governance at Calpers.
There is even tussling over how exactly the rules get changed. Boards can
usually change corporate bylaws unilaterally but if shareholders want to
alter them they require a supermajority, which is difficult to achieve.
Schulte Roth Zabel, Mr Roth’s firm, sued directors of Bob Evans Farms, the
restaurant chain, in January on behalf of activist Sandell Asset Management
after the Bob Evans board overturned bylaw changes that had just been
approved by shareholders. That case settled when the company reversed
course. Lawyers are now looking for another opportunity to test the issue in
. . .
It is not just the US judicial system that can arbitrate these skirmishes.
When Wachtell Lipton, Mr Lipton’s firm, was hunting last year for ways to
repel activist advances, it hatched a plan that would make it harder for
them to nominate alternative board candidates. The manner of its defeat
revealed the power of another organisation that has its finger on the
scales: Institutional Shareholder Services, a proxy adviser.
What happened? Activist hedge funds fighting for board representation have
typically paid their candidates a fee to stand for election, given the time
and potential bruises involved in a bitter proxy fight. But when two hedge
funds, Jana and Elliott Management, proposed last year that they would also
pay some of their nominees a bonus if the funds made money, institutional
investors grew nervous about diverging incentives and disharmony in the
boardroom. Sensing an opportunity, Wachtell Lipton proposed that companies
ban director candidates from taking any payment at all, even a fee to stand.
It drafted a bylaw provision that had been adopted by three dozen companies
within a few weeks.
ISS is the largest of the proxy advisory services, which recommend how
shareholders should vote in director elections, say-on-pay votes and the
panoply of shareholder proposals that come up at annual meetings. Many small
pension funds and institutional investors without the resources to assess
every vote typically follow the recommendations of ISS or rival services
such as Glass Lewis. Some recommendations are estimated to have the ability
to influence up to one-third of the votes at certain companies.
ISS went into battle against the Wachtell Lipton plan. It recommended
withholding votes for the re-election of directors of Provident Financial,
one of the first companies to adopt it. Faced with this nuclear option,
Provident backed down. Of the 33 companies that adopted the bylaw,
two-thirds have since reversed course. Mr Lipton concedes the idea has died.
ISS has signalled it will use its power again. Directors of boards that
ignore shareholder votes will find themselves with a negative recommendation
when they are next up for election, it says. That could sharply alter the
balance of power between boards and shareholders.
The proxy advisers’ increased leverage, and greater determination to use it,
has put them in the line of fire of corporations and their lobbyists, who
have been trying to persuade the SEC to curb their power, or at least to
complicate life for them by bringing them under new regulatory oversight.
“The question is whether ISS, which owns no stock, should have the power of
a $4tn voter,” a Wachtell Lipton partner told a roundtable convened by the
SEC last December.
ISS says its policies on corporate governance issues reflect its regular
surveys of institutional investors, hedge funds and companies. Critics say
ISS is squarely in the activists’ camp. The SEC is considering rules that
would force the company to be more explicit about whether it is doing
consulting work for the hedge funds, on whose proposals it is also making
Chris Cernich, an ISS director, insists it makes such disclosures to clients
already and has Chinese walls between its research and consulting divisions.
“Hedge funds are pretty frustrated with us a lot of the time, too,” he says.
“We recommend against a lot of hedge funds, including hedge funds that buy
research from us.”
. . .
Wachtell Lipton also appealed to the SEC to force activists to come clean
about their stakebuilding earlier. Funds have to publicly reveal a stake of
more than 5 per cent but they have 10 days to do so after passing that
threshold. Together with buying during that grace period, Mr Ackman and
other activists targeting JC Penney in 2010 suddenly emerged with 27 per
cent of the retailer under their control.
The idea of speedier disclosure rules has been supported by Dan Gallagher,
an SEC commissioner, and by Leo Strine, the chief justice of Delaware, where
most large public companies are incorporated. Mr Lipton, however, does not
sound hopeful that the SEC will act. “I think it’s probably dead.”
His pessimism over this and other battles behind the battles is the result
of a December speech by Mary Jo White, the SEC chairman, in which she
lauded activists.
It reads like a personal rebuff to Mr Lipton’s view of the world.
“It was not so long ago that the ‘activist’ moniker had a distinctly
negative connotation,” Ms White said. “It was a term equated with the
generally frowned upon practice of taking an ownership position to influence
a company for short-term gain. But that view of shareholder activists, which
has its roots in the raiders of the 1980s takeover battles, is not
necessarily the current view and it is certainly not the only view.”
Mr Lipton will keep fighting, however, and perhaps his biggest battle of all
is the one for public opinion. He is heartened that Larry Fink, BlackRock
chief executive, urged companies to look past demands for short-term
financial engineering and invest for the long term, even while BlackRock and
other institutions make common cause with activists to boost shareholder
“I think we’ve made some progress with institutional investors,” Mr Lipton
says. “Not enough, but some. The other thing is to try to change the view of
people who are essential to ultimate change in regulation. The battle is
still there. Certainly I haven’t lost it.”
Sotheby’s: Search for an antidote to the poison pill

Daniel Loeb: Designs on an 'old master' |
Daniel Loeb’s campaign to
force himself on to the
board at
Sotheby’s has
been among the most deliciously rude of this year’s crop of activist
battles. Mr Loeb called the auction house “an old master painting in
desperate need of renovation” and said executives “feasted on organic
delicacies and imbibed vintage wines” at shareholders’ expense.
says Mr Loeb would be a “disruptive” director with “no relevant skills”.
As the two sides try to win over a majority of shareholders, another
struggle will affect not just Mr Loeb’s Third Point fund but the balance of
power between activist hedge funds and company managements.
An unwanted investor who is building a stake in a company can be stopped
dead in his tracks if a board
resorts to a poison pill,
a potent defence tactic invented by Martin Lipton in 1982.
Third Point will ask a Delaware court next week to rule that Mr Lipton’s
creation has been taken too far and that Sotheby’s is using it illegally to
subvert shareholder democracy.
The pill has been upheld by numerous courts as a legitimate way to protect
shareholders from a single investor taking effective control of a company
without paying a takeover premium. It allows a company to issue unlimited
amounts of new shares to existing investors so that no matter how many he
buys a raider can never have more than a certain percentage of the shares
Just as modern medicines can be engineered to home in ever more closely on
the triggers of a disease, the poison pill has been refined to target
activist investors ever more narrowly.
They have been imposed at increasingly low ownership stake thresholds in
recent years. At Sotheby’s passive shareholders are given an exemption and
allowed to hold up to 20 per cent of the company while Mr Loeb and other
activists are limited to 10 per cent.
The two-tier system is an “improper attempt by the directors of Sotheby’s to
entrench themselves in office”, Mr Loeb argues.
The ultimate winner of the battle for Sotheby’s board seats may have little
resonance beyond the auction house’s long-suffering shareholders.
The winner in court, however, will tilt the playing field for or against
activism, with consequences for many battles to come.
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