
Shareholder Surveystm

independently moderated by

The Shareholder Forum

supporting leadership needs to

understand investor views


define the issues on which their decisions will be based





Reference Information

Investment and Voting Decisions

Recent public examples: shareholder-initiated determinations of investor interests

Early public examples: supporting management decisions

Governance and Marketplace Policy Considerations

Evolving requirements of investor communications

Support of leadership responsibilities




Investment and Voting Decisions

Recent public examples: shareholder-initiated determinations of investor interests

Early public examples: supporting management decisions

[Note: The Shareholder Forum initiated survey projects in 2008 when viable technologies became available, but temporarily suspended active support of the process in 2011 when the proliferation of electronic surveys raised concerns about meaningful participant responses. For applicable policies during that period, see 2009 Forum Policy: Independent Surveys of Investor Views.]



Governance and Marketplace Policy Considerations

Evolving requirements of investor communications

Decade history of marketplace and regulatory definition of standards, adapted to current technologies, for understanding and addressing shareholder decision-making interests

Support of leadership responsibilities

Progressive development of policies supporting primary responsibility of corporate management for communications addressing shareholder interests, above, while also enabling effective shareholder initiation of issue definition









The Shareholder Forum provides independently moderated Shareholder Surveys supporting leadership needs to both understand investor views and define the issues on which their decisions will be based. As an SEC-defined independent moderator, the Forum manages all required processes for distributions, information exchanges and reporting of shareholder communications in compliance with regulatory and marketplace requirements, including those of research integrity and privacy rights. Participant interests are further supported by the Forum’s "Conditions of Participation."

For additional information or confidential review of suggested projects, write to surveys@shareholderforum.com


Information provided to participants in Shareholder Forum programs, including reports of Shareholder Surveys, is intended for their private reference, and permission has not been granted for the republishing of any copyrighted material. The material presented on this web site is the responsibility of Gary Lutin, as chairman of the Shareholder Forum.

Shareholder Surveys™ and Shareholder Forum™ are trademarks owned by The Shareholder Forum, Inc., respectively for the independently moderated surveys conducted since 2008 and for the independently moderated programs conducted since 1999 to support investor and corporate access to decision-making information.