Bloomberg, December 2, 2024, Matt Levine commentary: "Texas Asks If Index Funds Are Illegal" [Distinguishing between restricting trade and supporting the marketplace]

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Source: Bloomberg, December 2, 2024, commentary 



Matt Levine,

Texas Asks If Index Funds Are Illegal

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December 2, 2024 at 2:47 PM EST

Corrected  December 2, 2024 at 4:58 PM EST



Matt Levine is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. A former investment banker at Goldman Sachs, he was a mergers and acquisitions lawyer at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; a clerk for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit; and an editor of Dealbreaker.


Are index funds illegal?

The theory is simple. A handful of big asset managers run giant index funds and own large chunks of every public company. Roughly speaking, the “Big Three” managers (BlackRock Inc., Vanguard Group and State Street Corp.) together own 20% or so of most public companies, and when you add in smaller quasi-indexers it is approximately true that most companies are mostly owned by diversified institutional investors. Therefore, the theory goes, most companies will tend to act in the interests of those diversified investors.

Often that means that the companies will do what they would do anyway, if they had different, non-diversified shareholders: They will try to increase sales and profits, etc. But not always. In particular, it does the shareholders no good if one company increases its market share at the expense of another company: The shareholders own both companies, so what they gain on one they lose on the other. In fact, if one company increases its market share by cutting prices and starting a price war, then the shareholders lose more than they gain. The shareholders own every company, and they want what is best for the companies collectively, not what is best for any individual company.

If you take this theory seriously, you might worry about the antitrust implications. If all the companies in an industry are owned by the same handful of owners, doesn’t that structure resemble the “trusts” that the antitrust laws were meant to stop? If the owners can pressure all the companies to act in their collective interest, won’t they push the companies to reduce competition and raise prices? Isn’t it bad for consumers if all the companies have the same owners? Some finance and legal academics think the answer is yes, and we have been talking about this idea for almost a decade.

This theory is controversial, in part because Big Three index fund managers do not generally go around saying things like “we want our companies to reduce production to have higher profit margins.” They don’t say this in part because that would be an antitrust problem, but also because they tend not to think that way. If you run an index fund, it is a bit silly to spend a lot of time analyzing the businesses of the companies you own and pushing them to make operational improvements. You are targeting the index return; whatever the companies do is fine, for you, since your job is to reflect their performance, not improve it. In theory you might be better off if the index return was higher — more people might buy your funds if stocks always went up — but that seems pretty indirect, and in practice the main way you compete, as an index fund manager, is by charging lower fees. It should be very cheap to run an index fund — all you have to do is buy a list of stocks and hold them — so it mostly is. You can’t afford to spend a lot of money hiring analysts to tell companies how to improve their performance.

There is, however, an important exception. The exception sometimes goes by the name “systemic stewardship,” though it is sometimes loosely called “ESG” (for environmental, social and governance investing). The idea is that if you can identify systemic factors that affect all of the stocks in your portfolio, then you should push companies to improve their performance in those areas. And by “systemic factors” I mean mostly climate change, though also some other stuff. But the central intuition does seem to be “climate change will cause trouble for all of our companies, so we want all of our companies to emit less carbon, because that will be good for all of them.” This is worth doing for index fund managers because:

  1.   It’s relatively cheap. You need fewer people to say “global warming will be a big problem for a lot of companies” than you would to analyze every company’s operations and suggest specific improvements.

  2.   It’s quite scalable. If you own 500 companies, finding a way to improve one company’s performance won’t do that much for your fund’s returns, but finding a way to improve all 500 companies’ performance will. Again, you are mostly measured against the index return, so improving that return doesn’t help you that much, but it helps a little. (Also you are a fiduciary for your clients, so you should try to improve the index’s return, if it’s relatively easy.)

  3.   It is — or was — good marketing. Low fees are not the only way to compete as an index fund manager. Being thoughtful about systemic issues is a way to look like a responsible steward of your clients’ capital, a way to talk to clients about your investment process that isn’t “well there’s this list of stocks and we buy them all.” And in particular, looking thoughtful about climate issues is, or was, a way to attract money from clients who are also worried about climate change and want an asset manager who cares about the issue and pushes companies to pollute less.

This has changed in recent years, as US Republican politicians have led a backlash against ESG, and it is now sort of bad marketing for US investment managers to care too visibly about climate change. But for a while it was a thing.

And so the rough message from the big asset managers was “we do not actually push our portfolio companies to reduce production to keep prices high, because that would be crazy, but we do push our portfolio companies to pollute less, because that is good systemic stewardship.”

But there is a tension here. You might ask: “Well, what about the coal companies? You own a lot of their stocks. You push them to pollute less. Pushing coal companies to pollute less means pushing them to mine less coal. That probably will have the effect of pushing up the price of coal, which is what you want, as a good environmental steward. (It will make it more expensive to burn coal, so less coal will be burned, so carbon emissions will be lower.) But it will also mean higher profit margins and lower production from the coal companies. Which is exactly the classic antitrust worry about index funds.”

I think the traditional answer to that line of questioning — and to a lot of this stuff about index funds and antitrust — was “oh come on, that’s stupid, that’s not the right way to think about anything.” But these questions are becoming more mainstream, and I am not sure that “oh come on” will continue to work as an answer. Last week Bloomberg’s Saijel Kishan reported:

About 40,000 individual investors in Vanguard Group’s index-tracking funds participated in a pilot program that allowed them to make their viewpoints known on important issues facing shareholders. ...

John Galloway, Vanguard’s global head of investment stewardship, said the program has succeeded in giving clients a voice in the voting process. The firm plans to add more US equity index funds over time, so that more individual investors can “align their investment portfolios with their personal preferences,” he said. …

In the pilot, investors were given four options: They could vote in accordance with what the companies’ boards are recommending; they could support what Vanguard’s stewardship team is advocating; they could decide not to vote at all; or they could back Glass Lewis’s stance on environmental, social and governance shareholder resolutions.

Vanguard said Tuesday that 30% of the 40,000 investors opted to stick with the companies’ recommendations, 43% went with Vanguard’s team, 2% decided not to vote and 24% aligned their voting with Glass Lewis.

That’s not what they’re suggesting! They’re not suggesting that BlackRock wanted to harm the coal companies! They’re suggesting that BlackRock wanted the coal companies to cut production and increase margins.Classic antitrust stuff, with just a hint of ESG. The complaint begins:

For the past four years, America’s coal producers have been responding not to the price signals of the free market, but to the commands of Larry Fink, BlackRock’s Chairman and CEO, and his fellow asset managers. As demand for the electricity Americans need to heat their homes and power their businesses has gone up, the supply of the coal used to generate that electricity has been artificially depressed—and the price has skyrocketed. Defendants have reaped the rewards of higher returns, higher fees, and higher profits, while American consumers have paid the price in higher utility bills and higher costs.

The argument here is that the Big Three’s systemic stewardship of coal companies was good for the coal companies, that the Big Three pushed coal companies to cut production, raise prices and thus increase their profits:

Defendants have leveraged their holdings and voting of shares to facilitate an output reduction scheme, which has artificially constrained the supply of coal, significantly diminished competition in the markets for coal, increased energy prices for American consumers, and produced cartel-level profits for Defendants.

There is nothing “ESG” in the paragraphs I have quoted, and you could imagine telling the same sort of story about, for instance, airline seats. When we first started talking about index funds and antitrust, it was because of a paper on the “Anticompetitive Effects of Common Ownership” in the airline industry, arguing that increased common ownership of airlines leads to less competition and higher ticket prices. But if you are telling this story about airline tickets, it is hard to find cases of BlackRock going around saying things like “we want our airlines to offer fewer seats and raise prices.” It’s maybe a little easier with coal:

BlackRock ... explained that it “expect[ed] to remain long-term investors in carbon-intensive sectors like traditional energy,” and had adopted a strategy of “engag[ing] with companies.” In 2020, it first focused on 440 public companies that contributed 60% of Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions, and then, in 2021, it expanded that universe to 1,000 carbon-intensive public companies responsible for 90% of those emissions. …

 It further announced that it would discipline management that failed to satisfy its demands, both when voting on shareholder proposals and by voting to remove management: “[w]here we do not see enough progress for these issuers, and in particular where we see a lack of alignment combined with a lack of engagement, we may not support management in our voting for the holdings our clients have in index portfolios, and we will also flag these holdings for targeted review and engagement in our discretionary active portfolios where we believe they may present a risk to performance.” BlackRock also helped lead a “workstream on Managed Phaseout of High-emitting Assets” that called for the “early retirement of high-emitting assets” such as coal mines. …

 In December 2021, Vanguard published a report outlining its “expectations for companies with significant coal exposure.” The report stated that “shareholder proponents have used the proxy voting system to,” among other things, “ask companies to shutter or divest their coal assets, or persuade financial institutions to stop providing financial services to the thermal coal industry and the entities that extract thermal coal from the ground.”

 “Vanguard’s Investment Stewardship team,” the report continued, “has engaged with companies in carbon-intensive industries, and their boards, over the last several years and has discussed,” among other things, “shifts in supply and demand…,” and seeking to “understand how companies set targets in alignment with these goals” of the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Pact. Specifically, Vanguard sought “clear disclosures” from management of firms in the coal industry, including an “[e]xplanation of how thermal coal remains relevant for a company’s customer base and the market it serves over 10, 20, and 30, years.”

That’s not the same as saying “we asked them to mine less coal,” but there is not a comparable report saying that Vanguard goes around asking airlines for clear disclosures of how airline tickets remain relevant for their customer base over 10, 20 and 30 years. The big common owners do put some sort of pressure on coal companies that they don’t put on other companies, and it arguably has some effect:

In the second quarter of 2021, Arch Coal President and CEO Paul Lang told investors that Arch Coal generated a gross margin of nearly $40 million with “thermal coal assets, while at the same time making significant progress shrinking [its] operating footprint.”

In the fourth quarter of 2021, Black Hills President and CEO Linn Evans told investors that “initiatives wrapped within the ESG blanket have always been a key focus for us, and we’re continuing to critically evaluate our business through that lens. This, of course, includes analyzing ESG risks and opportunities and then weaving them into our strategy and decisionmaking.” .

Obviously there are other explanations. One explanation would be that ESG is correct. Perhaps Vanguard is correct to worry about “how thermal coal remains relevant for a company’s customer base and the market it serves over 10, 20, and 30, years,” and the companies themselves also worry about it. Perhaps the coal companies think “eventually the world will want cleaner energy and less thermal coal, so it is in our long-term interests to invest less in developing coal mines because they are not a good proposition for the long run.” If the long-term outlook for coal is bad, there will be less long-term investment in coal mining, which might lead to higher prices now. Perhaps the coal companies and their investors independently make sensible decisions about their own long-term businesses, and there’s no need for them to coordinate to reduce supply and drive up prices.

But it is a weird and somewhat new feature of modern markets that all the companies are owned by the same shareholders. And increasingly that causes trouble for those shareholders.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

To contact the author of this story:
Matt Levine at

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This Forum program was open, free of charge, to anyone concerned with investor interests in the development of marketplace standards for expanded access to information for securities valuation and shareholder voting decisions. As stated in the posted Conditions of Participation, the purpose of this public Forum's program was to provide decision-makers with access to information and a free exchange of views on the issues presented in the program's Forum Summary. Each participant was expected to make independent use of information obtained through the Forum, subject to the privacy rights of other participants.  It is a Forum rule that participants will not be identified or quoted without their explicit permission.

This Forum program was initiated in 2012 in collaboration with The Conference Board and with Thomson Reuters support of communication technologies to address issues and objectives defined by participants in the 2010 "E-Meetings" program relevant to broad public interests in marketplace practices. The website is being maintained to provide continuing reports of the issues addressed in the program, as summarized in the January 5, 2015 Forum Report of Conclusions.

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